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Multidimensional Model and the Major Dimensions of Mental Illness

Essay Instructions:

you will describe the early ways of thinking about psychological disorders through today’s current view and explain the multidimensional model and the major dimensions of mental illness. Please use the given template to answer the following questions:

1 - Explain what early thoughts and beliefs existed about what caused mental illness.

2 - Describe one of the psychological traditions and how it furthered the beliefs about what causes mental illness from that of the early beliefs by the Greeks and from religions. Select from: Freud’s theory of the unconscious, humanism, or behaviorism.

3 - Explain the idea of a multidimensional approach and how it differs from a single-dimensional approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.

4 - For each major approach, include its central tenant(s) as it relates to the explanation (or cause) of mental illness. The six dimensions noted in your readings that provide an explanation or cause for the development of mental illness are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, and sociocultural. For example, from the biological approach, an imbalance of neurochemicals is believed to influence (or cause) behavioral changes as well as heritability. The approaches that will need to be summarized include the biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, human-existential, and sociocultural.

5 - Last, referring directly to the textbook, provide an overview of each of the major approaches of a multidimensional integrated model listed in the textbook. See textbook Below

Note: Use this textbook and any edition of these textbooks

1 - Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders 3rd edition (as of July 2023)

By Alexis Bridley and Lee W. Daffin Jr.

2 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition

3 - Any one credible resource

Early Beliefs

In 1 paragraph, explain what early thoughts and beliefs existed about what caused mental illness.

Psychological Traditions

In 1 paragraph, describe how one of the Psychological Traditions helped further the beliefs about what causes mental illness (Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious, humanism, or the behavioral model).

Multi-Dimensional Approach

In 1 paragraph, explain the idea of a multi-dimensional integrative approach and how it differs from a single approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.

Biological Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the biological approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.

Psychodynamic Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the psychodynamic approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.

Behavioral Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the behavioral approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.

Cognitive Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the Cognitive approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.

Humanistic-Existential Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the humanistic-existential approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.

Social and Cultural Approach

In 1 paragraph, provide an overview of the sociocultural approach as it relates to an explanation or cause of mental illness.


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Multidimensional Model and The Major Dimensions of Mental Illness

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Multidimensional Model and The Major Dimensions of Mental Illness

Early Beliefs

Early theories regarding the origins of mental disease have strong superstitious, religious, and mythological underpinnings. Ancient people sometimes blamed supernatural powers or divine punishment for mental disease. The use of ceremonies, exorcisms, and religious acts to drive away bad spirits was common in early societies that believed mental illness resulted from control by evil spirits or other hostile supernatural beings. The four-body humor was thought out of proportion in ancient Greece and Rome, which led to the idea that purging and bloodletting were effective cures for mental disease. However, today, we have a far better grasp of how complicated and diverse the causes of mental illness are, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental variables within a multidimensional model. This cutting-edge strategy offers a more comprehensive and evidence-based foundation for understanding and treating mental disease.

Psychological Traditions

Freud's Theory of the Unconscious

The psychoanalytic theory, which Freud created and popularized, introduced the idea of the unconscious mind. Unconscious wants, disputes, and ideas hidden from conscious consciousness substantially impact human behavior and mental processes. These unspoken

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