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Health Behavior: Smoking

Essay Instructions:

Task description: This assignment is a 2,000 word essay where you will choose a health behaviour to discuss within a framework of one of the theories of health behaviour or health behaviour change covered in the unit lectures. Alternatively, you may want to contrast two theories as they relate to a health behaviour. Your task is to produce a critical consideration of the available literature on your chosen topic. You may choose smoking as health behaviour and use theory of planned behaviour to write this essay. Please to use a theory that has more literatures to write this essay. please use peer-reviewed articles as reference.

What you need to do: You can choose any health behaviour/issue; however it’s a good idea to choose a behaviour/issue that has a good amount of recent research. We will go through a range of health behaviours in the weeks 6 and 7 lectures, but you are not limited to these. You can also choose any health behaviour theory as a framework. The major health behaviour theories are covered in the week 2 materials. It’s a good idea to choose a theory that has a good amount of recent research relevant to your health behaviour.

Good assignments will go beyond discussion and description and will go into a synthesis of the findings of different studies demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. This is often a distinguishing feature of the best essays submitted within this unit.

Some notes on structure are provided below, however there is some flexibility around this, the most important thing is to address the criteria on the rubric.

Length: The 2,000-word limit includes all sections except the title page, abstract, and references section. In-text citations within the main text count toward the word limit. Please include your word count on the title page.


While a word count of up to 10% over the word limit will be accepted, for assignments that exceed this acceptable limit, 10% of the total mark available (e.g., 5/50 marks) will be deducted.

There is no penalty for being under the word limit, but do consider whether you have fully addressed all aspects of the task.

Style and Formatting: The assignment should be in APA style (7th ed) and contain a title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list. The following resources can be used as a guide:

Shakespeare-Finch, J. (2020). A Guide to Formatting in Psychology (3rd ed.). Pearson Education.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Use double spacing throughout the paper with no extra spaces between paragraphs, sections, or references. Everything should be written out in full sentences, no bullet points.

Structure: Of course depending on your approach this could vary and my suggestion will always be to use the rubric to guide you as you prepare your assessment to make sure that you are covering all criteria. But below is a very basic structure you could use to start you off. This only applies to if you have chosen one health behaviour/issue and one theory, i.e. you are not doing a ‘compare and contrast’ of two theories. If you are doing a compare and contrast of two theories you would essentially reduce the explanations and literature review so that you are covering both theories and then also dedicate a section to your comparisons.

Introductory paragraph:

Outlines health behaviour and provides information to demonstrate its significance (including relevant statistics etc.), and introduces scope of essay (including naming theory/theories that are being evaluated).

Body paragraph 1:

Outline theory broadly and provide general links to health behaviour.

Body paragraphs 2 and 3:

Outline theory in more detail, applying specific aspects of theory to more specific aspects of the chosen behaviour. Outline how the theory predicts and explains the behaviour in question.

Body paragraphs 4 to 8:

Review and evaluate literature related to theory based behaviour interventions and discuss applications and implications of reviewed literature.


Draw main points of essay together and also incorporate future research/recommendations.

Please note that in your assignment, everything needs to be described in your own words. Do not copy anything word-for-word from sources (e.g., articles or tutorial slides). You need to demonstrate your own understanding and effective communication skills. When describing the literature, aim to summarise and synthesise (in your own words), and cite the relevant sources. The use of artificial intelligence tools to contribute to or complete this assessment is NOT permitted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Behavior: Smoking

Student’s Name


Course Name and Number

Lecturer’s Name

Due Date

Word Count: 1911

Health Behavior: Smoking

Smoking is a health behavior that poses serious health risks to users and non-users. It is a rising phenomenon and a leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality globally (Wilkinson et al., 2019). According to the latest report by World Health Organization (WHO), cigarette smoking results in more than eight million deaths annually. Active smoking accounts for nearly seven million deaths while close to 1.3 million people die due to second-hand smoke exposure (WHO, 2023). In the United States alone, more than 16 million adults have smoking-related diseases, leading to approximately 500,000 deaths yearly (Dai et al.,2022). Studies show that smoking harms nearly every body organ and increases the risk of heart and lung diseases, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers (Xia et al., 2020). Research aimed at finding what causes people to start smoking reported peer pressure as the primary reason (Office of the Surgeon General of the US Health Service, 2020). According to the study, nearly all tobacco use begins in adolescence and continues in adulthood. Adolescents are highly vulnerable to social influences. Among the participants surveyed, 88% of adult smokers who smoke daily said that their smoking habit began at the age of 18 and below (Office of the Surgeon General of the US Health Service, 2020). Statistics show that one-half of adult smokers die prematurely from smoking-related illnesses (Jafari et al., 2021). Despite numerous programs and strategies to combat smoking habits such as increased awareness of the dangers of tobacco use, the prevalence of tobacco use remains relatively high from generation to generation. The increased health risks of smoking and the devastating consequences suffered by families of smokers prompted this study, calling for evidence-based strategies like smoke-free policies, health education campaigns, and price increases to prevent and reduce cigarette smoking and exposure. Various social cognitive models can be used to understand the smoking habit. This essay uses the theory of planned behavior (TPB), a psychosocial and cognitive model used to predict and explain smoking behavior.

Theory of Planned Behavior and Smoking

The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a decision-making model that explains why people make certain decisions or perform certain actions. This owes to the intent to perform such actions, motivated by one's beliefs, societal forces, and alleged capabilities. The theory states that behaviors are influenced by intentions, determined by three factors: attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms (Ajzen & Schmidt, 2020). The intention to smoke tobacco is predicted by these constructs. Intention is the primary antecedent of behavior. It includes the motivational factors that influence a person to adopt a habit. This antecedent indicates a person’s desire before doing something or attempting to behave in a particular manner and the effort made before acting (Bangkara et al., 2021). The stronger the intention, the higher the likelihood the behavior will occur. Several studies on people's smoking intention using this theory found that intention to smoke strongly predicts smoking behavior.

Attitude in the TPB is the degree to which an individual favorably or unfavorably assesses the targeted behavior (Lareyre et al., 2021). It involves a reflection of the outcomes 

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