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Media Representation on Parental Investment Theory and Mate Preference

Essay Instructions:


This assignment will require students to write a brief paper summarizing and critiquing a recent media representation of research on intimate relationships. Students are to select a written piece of media (online or print sources are both acceptable; descriptive databases such as Wikipedia are not acceptable) that relates directly to one of the topics covered in class (e.g., breakup, mate selection). The selected media must have been published in 2022.

Your paper will consist of three sections:

1. Overview of the piece of media (recommended no more than half a page)

2. Overview of the corresponding original research or relevant section of the course textbook (recommended no more than half a page)

3. Critical discussion of the representation or misrepresentation of this work/topic in the media (recommended one page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology in Media
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor's Name
Mate Selection
Media Source Summary
Yokoubian's (2022) article is based on the parental investment theory. According to the article, women are more discriminatory when it comes to choosing a mate. The main reason for this is that they are more concerned with their offspring. As a result, a woman's preference for a long-term or short-term partner varies. In a long-term romantic relationship, women seek someone with positive characteristics, such as kindness, and who has accumulated some resources. However, women are more likely to seek out a man's good genes when it comes to a short-term relationship. Sexual risk-taking and relationship satisfaction are other major concepts this article covers. Other main perspectives covered are sexual risk-taking and relationship satisfaction. The article concludes by positing that there is no direct correlation between fertility status and relationship satisfaction.
Summary of Original Source
The variation in mate selection between sexes is discussed in Hahn's 2022 lecture notes in chapter 8, using the "Parental Investment Theory." As a result, what a man may look for when selecting a mate differs from what a woman may look for when using a selection strategy. According to the theory, the sexes known to bear the most responsibility in child rearing have strict mate selection requirements. As a result, according to historical utility, men prefer short-term strategies while women prefer long-term strategies when selecting mates. What a person prefers in a mate may also differ depending on the culture. For some women, a man's attractiveness is important, whereas, for others, financial status and mat...
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