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Maslow’s Basic Assumptions regarding Motivation and the Hierarchy of Needs

Essay Instructions:


In each essay you will:

● Answer the prompt with at least 500 words of content.

● Be sure to use current APA formatting through the assignment.

o A title page is not required, but a reference page is required.

o Please use third person writing.

● There should be at least three references in total.

o Two scholarly journal articles are required (published within the last 5 years)

o The Bible must also be included as a reference

o Be sure to use in-text citations throughout the essay.

▪ The in-text citations should match the references listed on the reference page and vice versa.

Essay: Maslow Identify Maslow’s 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level. Include specific examples from Scripture regarding motivation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Maslow’s Basic Assumptions regarding Motivation and the Hierarchy of Needs
Motivation is the driving force and energy that directs behavior and action to fulfill and attain a specific need. Maslow's theory is among the motivation theories, based on the notion that certain important needs influence human behavior in an order. In his hierarchy of needs model, Maslow critically demonstrated the five motivation dimensions. According to the hierarchy of needs, people are usually motivated by various needs and desires, which are satisfied continuously to the self-actualization level (Trivedi & Mehta, 2019). The essay critically discusses Maslow's five motivational assumptions, including scriptural examples and the hierarchy of needs.
Five Basic Assumptions regarding Motivation
The basic assumptions can be described as complex, whole, and stimulated continuously by different needs and desires. First, it is assumed that human needs are holistic and that an individual is motivated by the entire group of needs at a certain level and not just one part. For instance, Maslow demonstrated that a person could not be motivated by one single need, such as food, while the shelter is missing. Therefore, people are only fully motivated once all their basic needs and desires are met (McCleskey & Ruddell, 2020). In the book of Psalms chapter 132, verse 15, Christians are motivated by the word that they will be blessed with abundant provisions and that the poor will be satisfied with food (Zondervan, 1983). Secondly, it is assumed that motivation is complex due to the underlying intentions connected to different unconscious behaviors. For example, a person’s desire to lose weight may arise from different sources of inspiration, including the need to belong to a certain group of friends, to find love and friendship, or to gain contentment in self.
The third assumption is that human needs motivate them continually by stimulating other different desires once the prior need is met or satisfied. For example, when a person is hungry, they will seek food, and onc...
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