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LGBT parents can be as amazing as straight parents Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Consider the following scenario:

Your best friends, Kurt and Blaine, a gay married couple, come to you in tears because their application to adopt a baby boy has been denied by the local adoption agency. “They said we aren’t fit parents because we will “make” the baby gay,” Kurt said. “The agency even told our trans friend, Unique, that she wasn’t a fit parent because she’d try to turn a baby boy into a girl.” Blaine asked, “Can you help us write a response to the adoption agency, arguing that LGBT+ parents can be as amazing as straight parents, and that we can’t “turn” our kids gay.”

In no less than 1000 words (minimum 4 pages, no more than 5 pages), write a paper to the Adoption agency that argues lesbian, gay, and trans gender people should be allowed to adopt children just like straight people (using research on both sex and gender). Use no less than five sources (including three scientific articles not older than five years) plus the textbook as supporting evidence, and format in APA style.

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LGBT Parents Can be as Amazing as Straight Parents
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LGBT Parents Can be as Amazing as Straight Parents
Over recent years, gay and lesbian people have increasingly taken part in child adoption, although they used to keep their sexual orientation confidential to evade stigmatization by society. There is a rise in the number of gay and lesbians in places such as the United States, making them be noticed (Harris, 2016). They are thought to be potential adoptive parents who take and handle parenting matters seriously. This paper justifies gay men and lesbian and transgender people's potential to perform parenting responsibilities and handle parenting matters seriously as adoptive parents.
People of gay, lesbian, and transgender sexual orientation choose to have children, unlike heterosexual couples who encounter unplanned conception. Half of the U.S pregnancies are not planned (Dettlaff et al., 2018). Among the half end in abortion while the other half end in birth. Those parents who didn't plan to get babies often find themselves in circumstances that make them unable to provide the best parental care. On the contrary, gay and lesbian couples purpose to have children. To overcome biological limitations, they opt to adopt, look for sperm donors or substitutes or choose to undergo in-vitro fertilization procedures. After experiencing those challenges, gay and lesbian parents are more likely to be encouraged, determined, and dedicated than heterosexual couples because they willfully choose to become parents.
LGBT parents tend to foster the neediest children. They are a great resource to those kids anticipating being adopted, which is significant because few children experience a more challenging time leaving the adoptive organization. Additionally, they adopt kids with special needs. The Urban Institute reported that 41% of lesbians and 50% plus gay men are interested in adopting kids (Štrbić et al., 2019). That makes up many potential parents willing to adopt rather than having 100,000 plus children held in adoptive care at the moment.
Gay and lesbian parents nurture tolerance in kids. Kids brought up by gay and lesbians claim that upbringing has taught them compassion, broadmindedness, and tolerance. Seeing the foster parents engage in a wide range of things freely has led them to be open-minded, for instance, telling him that that the action is a boy or girl thing. That brings out a clear difference between kids raised by straight parents and those raised by gay parents regarding tolerance and broadmindedness. Additionally, individuals who have been raised by gay parents have confessed that through their upbringing, their perception of family and marriage, sexual orientation, and gender has improved.
Kids raised by gay parents perform well in school, just like the other kids raised by heterosexual parents. According to research, the grade point averages (GPA) for the kids raised by heterosexual parents and those raised by LGBT parents were equivalent. For instance, a study shows that boys raised by lesbian parents had an average of 2.9 GPA, while those raised by heterosexual parents had 2.65. On the other hand, girls raised by lesbians had an average GPA of 2.8, while those raised by heterosexuals had 2.9 (Gash et al., 2018). Another study shows that both kids brought up by lesbian parents and heterosexual parents have an equal level of rebellious activities such as fighting and stealing.
There is no difference in the social functional and psychological health of kids raised by gay and lesbians and those raised by heterosexual parents. According to research, the things that occur within the household are significant in forecasting kids' social capability than the parent's sexuality (Harris, 2016). For instance, there is no differenc...
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