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Practical Application/Social Justice Assignment. Psychology Essay. Racism: Its Consequences in Society and Possible Solutions

Essay Instructions:


Identify an area of personal study or interest and discuss its intersection with positive psychology:

1. Choose a social cause that you are passionate about (e.g., racial equity, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change) and incorporate your knowledge of positive psychology to inform potential solutions to these social problems.

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2. Discuss how your knowledge of positive psychology can be used to enrich professional practice in a field of your choosing (e.g., business, marketing, education, film, theatre, public administration).

A shortcut to this topic is: “Considering positive psychology’s aim to enhance human flourishing worldwide, how can the field make a significant impact on promoting healthy environments and institutions?” We want you to think big and dream, using empirically-based constructs of positive psychology to support your vision. An example: “Individuals, homes, businesses, and communities are working to support environmentally friendly living. Positive psychology can help by...” (And then describe the ways in which PERMA, and/or self- regulation, and/or goal-setting, etc. can support this effort). Please do not focus on achievements that we have already discussed in class (i.e. the work of Dweck in education).

This assignment will no longer take the form of a 4-5 page paper. Instead, you may choose whichever format you prefer to present your thoughts and ideas in response to the above prompt. For example, you can choose to create a campaign flyer, a public announcement in the form of a video presentation, an informational brochure, or some kind of artistic representation (song, drawing, painting). This is a non-exhaustive list of options that you may consider. Check in with your TA if you would like help brainstorming an idea.

You will be graded on:

your ability to clearly communicate the message of how positive psychology can promote healthy environments and institutions, either through solutions to social justice issues or in a professional field of your choosing;

your ability to ground your message in evidence from course readings and concepts;

your creativity and vision (i.e., presenting unique and original ideas that move beyond course readings, lectures, and class discussions).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racism: Its Consequences in Society and Possible Solutions
Due Date
Racism: Its Consequences in Society and Possible Solutions
Racial equality refers to the fair inclusion of people from all walks of life into a society where they can achieve academic, social, cultural, economic, and financial ambitions without discrimination. Racism is more of a social aspect than a biological one. In the United States, racial inequality has been advanced and promoted over the years by structural racism. Structural racism fundamentally refers to the political, historical, and economic policies formulated by the previous governments, which unfortunately work against the people of color. Although there have been attempts to eradicate racial inequality, it is still deeply embedded in society. The consequences of racial inequality in society, the measures that some companies have put in place to minimize it, and the general strategies that can be implemented to eradicate it in the education and health sector will be given much prominence in this paper.
So how has racial inequality been manifested in the United States? Statistics indicate that the wealth associated with white Americans is 13 times black Americans and ten times that of Latinos. In addition to that, during the global economic recession, black Americans lost 66 percent of their wealth, Latin Americans lost 56 percent of their wealth, and whites only 16 percent of their wealth. On health grounds, the figures indicated that 40 percent of black men and 57 percent of black women experienced hypertension cases, which is a relatively higher rate than their white counterparts (Blackwell, 2017). The report published in 2017 further suggested that mass unemployment was synonymous with blacks and Latinos and not so much pronounced in white neighborhoods. All these factors point to a system that was either designed to discriminate racially or oppress some racial groups.
The system was designed so that access to social amenities became a challenge to people of color. Banks and financial institutions intentionally denied people of color credit facilities, and so they could not access loans to buy homes, which made it possible for most homeowners to be whites (Blackwell, 2017). The current generation is still feeling the huge disparities in wealth between the whites and the people of color and its intergenerational consequences. Some people of color can barely afford decent education up to the college level.
Structural racism has led to a vicious cycle of poverty among people of color. Given that people of color did not get access to loan facilities, the neighborhoods where they stayed were not secure. Their houses were of poor quality and low market value. Schools in such locations were relatively of low quality as well. The net result of poor schooling and other social amenities was that people of color could not get stable jobs to sustain their lives (Blackwell, 2017).
On justice or civil grounds, statistics indicate that out of the three black people born, one of them is likely to face criminal charges and be convicted of crimes that at times he/she did not commit. The situation is quite different for whites since only one in every sixteen individuals is likely to be sent to jail for criminal offenses committed. To make the situation, worse blacks who are convicted of murder are likely to be 50 innocent than their white counterparts (Blackwell, 2017). Glaring cases of racial inequality are further manifested in prisons, where it is reported that 60 percent of the inmates are people of color. For every one white man convicted, 12 blacks are incarcerated. The justice system needs a complete overhaul to address such injustices.
Unlike whites, people of color have been victims of diffuse discrimination. It is a case where individuals are intentionally denied some essential services based on their skin complexion. The discriminatory cases in this context are not supported by the system by people, mostly whites who are hell-bent on oppressing blacks (Wright, 2017). Such situations include but are not limited to employers not hiring people from a certain race, mostly blacks or Latinos; banks not giving credit facilities to people of color; landlords not renting their housing units to people from racial groups, and sales executives treating white differently form African Americans.
There are some instances where people of color are treated as second class citizens. In such a context, the concerned individuals are not fully given their rights. Some minority groups in the United States of America were denied the right to vote. Blacks have been victims of police brutality over the years, and some have even succumbed to injuries. In some instances, the whites are accorded more respect and are regarded as more worthy than their black counterparts (Wright, 2017).
In 2005, most American Africans were abandoned or ignored in a way yet greatly suffered due to Hurricane Katrina. Such acts amount to discrimination and abuse of human rights. Altho...
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