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Questions, Answers and Reflection on Human Connection. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

For this class, we need to come up with ten open-ended questions that are related to the class. Then, based on these questions and the answers the interviewee gave (which you may answer below the questions listed). Then, a reflection paper is required combining the answers with class materials.

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Questions, Answers and Reflection on Human Connection
In this interview, I will be asking about Aila's views and awareness of sexual discourse. Her answers and insights would provide this interview with a fruitful discussion because of her conservative Asian background. We will know how cultural background has influenced Aila in the way she sees discussions about men and women. We will also see how she has developed over the years.
Questions and Answers
1.What are your viewpoints on sexual discourse? How is it influenced or shaped by your cultural background and upbringing? How does it affect your expression of yourself daily?
I have understood that sexual discourse is more of an open discussion of self-expression and freedom to live your chosen lifestyles. I have an Asian background that has a very conservative perception of anything sexual. I was raised in such thinking, too. I internalized those teachings even at this age. The difference is that I used to think people should be as conservative as us. Now, I have respect for whatever decision and choice people make for themselves.
2.What are your general thoughts on masculinity? What comes first to mind upon hearing the word or knowing about the concept?
I honestly think of a well-built, muscled man when I think about masculinity. Personally, it is the appearance and characteristics that show strength, agility, and power in a lot of aspects. But there is a longstanding belief that masculinity is biological men's identity. Though, I also believe that masculinity is seen by anyone regardless of biological and gender identity.
3.What oppression, struggle, or anything unwanted have you experience because you are a woman?
In my everyday routine, I have always been reminded to wear proper clothes. Though, I understand that it acknowledges the fact that there are predators out there and I could be the victim. It also encourages the thought that, even if I am not the one to commit the perverted action, I should be responsible as if I am the culprit.
4.Have you been slut-shamed before? Has anyone around you experienced slut-shaming? How did it go?
I did experience slut-shaming but not as often as some of my friends. Because of my conservative background, I have dressed and acted, as my culture says, properly. My friends, on the other hand, are more carefree and expressive of their clothing and appearance. The narratives and experiences are the same despite the difference in the number of times we have been slut-shamed. Men would catch our attention with names or by calling us with whatever they desire.
5.How aware are you that both genders experience gender biases and abuse? What are your thoughts on this?
I am very much aware that both men and women have undergone sexual abuse or have been subject to gender biases. I acknowledged that men do experience sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual advances, and the struggles brought by gender biases. Though, as much as I want to refuse to compare it with women's experiences, I can't help it. Because the disparity is huge. But I know that the patriarchal system is to blame because both genders have internalized the masculine superiority that leads to negative actions.
6.If you are to educate kids about gender, how would it go?
What I would primarily teach kids is that they are humans and that is it. Now, being humans, they can choose how to color themselves. They can decide to be masculine or feminine or to like whoever they like. Their choices are not limited to pink and blue; barbie and toy cars; long and short hair; and the typical choices for men and women. It is free to choose how to want to be known by the world.
7.Where do you see gender biases and who usually receives the favor and who is at the receiving end of hate or disadvantages?
Gender biases are everywhere. But I would say that it is most noticeable in families. Both genders are, in a way, given favor, and at a disadvantage. For women, some families would still assume they are for house chores and light activities while men are for heavy labors and career building.
8.Do you agree that there is a bias in how men are accepted as sexually expressive but women are not? Do you believe that men and should be able to equally and freely express themselves sexually?
Yes, I agree with that. We all know that there is an existing assumption that men are naturally sexually expressive and active. While women, on the other hand, are supposed to be demure and appropriate with their actions. From here we can see that there is a bias. And I believe both men and women should be able to express themselves however they want. Men can be demure just as women can be sexually expressive.
9.Give your insights on how people look at gender and how they treat people based on societal norms.
We could not fully blame some people because they have deeply internalized the oppressing ideologies. However, they are still responsible for how they treat people just because they don't fit into what society is trying to make them. What we should kno...
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