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Relationship between Mental Illness and Family History

Essay Instructions:

The paper includes a minimum of 6 sources, at least 3 scholarly, 2 public, and 1 primary source. *The topic hasn't been decided yet. 

1. Need to come up with a topic based on the sources.
2. Follow the outline below
3. The 1 primary source is a survey I’m still working on, so you don’t need to include that. *3 scholarly sources I have attached below (please do not change it)
4. Only need to find 2 more public sources.
5. One little request: Once you decided, could you send me the public sources or others you found and are going to use in the paper? I have other works that need to be done with those sources.

Thesis: This paper will be focusing on the relationship between mental illness and the family-of-origin from different aspects and results that conducts from mood disorder and trauma to personality disorder. (or you can provide a better thesis)

Paragraph 1 Intro 
Paragraphs 2-3 Context on the Conversation
Paragraphs 4-5 Article 1 Summary Analysis 
Paragraphs 6-7 Article 2 Summary Analysis 
Paragraphs 8-9 Article 3 Summary Analysis 
Paragraphs 10-11 Popular and Primary sources
Paragraph 12 Conclusion and Synthesis

Let me know if you need other guidance. Thank you! :)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Relationship between Mental Illness and Family History
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Relationship between Mental Illness and Family History
This paper will explore the link between family backgrounds and mental disorders, with a specific focus on depressive and mood disorders. The relationship between familial history and various psychiatric conditions is a critical point of scientific research. It raises concerns regarding the root cause of mental disorders that continue to affect millions of people worldwide. Parental risk factors, family environment, and familial engagement are core concepts and elements that are used to guide the diagnosis and management of psychiatric disorders.
Family mental history and parental depression, especially maternal depression and parental bonding, could determine the propensity for developing depressive symptoms later in life among children. Diverse mood problems such as bipolar disorders do not have a precise cause, but variations in various genetic materials and interaction with environmental variables would likely intricately interact to increase a person’s risks of developing bipolar disorder. Some environmental factors also play a role in triggering their symptoms. The risk factors for developing depression can entail biological and environmental factors. Having a family member experiencing major depression may likely impact the family environment where the risk of others being affected by almost similar symptoms increases. 
Mental problems revolving around emotional and behavioral disturbances are often linked to genetic and environmental factors such as the family. According to Psychiatry Advisor, family history of psychiatric problems highly correlates with the incidence of multiple mental disorders in offspring. In one of the studies, findings showed that there was a multi-generational effect where depression in grandparents and or great-grandparents increased the risk for depression in offspring from about 12.6% to approximately 41.4% and the illness that occurred 2 and 3 generations previously was almost always the same type of illness that emerged in the offspring (Psychiatry Advisor). According to the HCPLive website, mood disturbances and depressive disorders suggest that familial psychiatric history could correlate with the risk of severe bipolar disorder in a person. In a study, the researchers concluded that familial psychiatric history correlated with various disease severities such as hospitalizations, suicide ideations and attempts, and earlier onset (HCPLive). With their severities, these disorders can be modified or aggravated by socio-demographic indicators like low education and household income.
Family functioning includes variables such as cohesion, harmony and the competency of resolving conflicting problems tend to affect mood and depressive disorders later in life amongst children. These features can impact on child's experiences and life journey via modulating the emotional development during childhood. Thus, the family setup reflects a critical early contributor to the risk of mood disturbances. Within family environments, people experience heterogeneous life events and activities daily, but some people develop typical ideas when facing these events while others develop unrealistic ideations that disrupt their mental well-being (Yıldız, Duru & Eldeleklioğlu, 2020).
There has been growing interest in the effect of trauma during early development. One of such familial, historical concepts that influences predisposition to psychiatric disorders includes betrayal trauma.  Betrayal trauma happens when the people or organizations that an individual relies on for survival substantially violate that person’s trust or well-being. For instance, childhood physical, emotional, or sexual abuse perpetrated by a caregiver can cause betrayal trauma. Choi & Kangas (2020) findings showed that high betrayal trauma in mothers were linked to increased parental distress and impaired child-wellbeing. The affected children showed ‘higher attachment anxiety than those from mothers who experienced minimal betrayal trauma history. This obse...
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