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Improving the Patient Centered Care Experience

Essay Instructions:


Improving the Patient Centered Care (PCC) Experience

For this assignment, you will work on applying and improving the functions of patient centered care to improve the patient experience of a particular group.

You will choose one of the following functions of patient-centered care:

1. Responding to emotions

2. Managing uncertainty

3. Enabling patient self-management

4. Exchanging information

5. Fostering healing relationship

6. Shared decision-making

And one of the following patient populations:

1. Minority veterans seeking care at the Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals

2. LGBTQ+ adolescents

3. Patients with limited literacy living in rural communities

4. Elderly patients living in assisted living facilities or nursing homes

5. Patients visiting Urgent Care clinics

You’ll write a paper on potential interventions to improve this function of patient-centered care for these patients.

1. Summary of your PCC function

• What is it? Why is it important? Define and explain in your own words.

• What behaviors go along with it?

• Patient?

• Provider?

• Why might we want to improve this PCC function in the specific patient population you chose? Back this up with research on the patient experience in this population.

2. How do we measure this function? How should we measure this function? Think about both how this is measured subjectively and objectively.

• Subjectively- asking the patients or doctors

• Surveys, focus groups

• Objectively- measuring the behaviors

• Observation, Electronic medical records (EMR), other data collection

[NB: Check out Appendix F and G in the PCC monograph in this week’s readings]

3. How can we improve this function? What are some approaches, trainings, or programs to enhance this function of patient-centered communication? Come up with a potential intervention at each level below.

1. Patient-focused intervention

2. Provider-focused intervention

3. Healthcare system- focused intervention

Virtual reality is a tool used to train and improve communication for patients and healthcare providers. How can we use VR as a tool to improve this function of PCC in your population?

• For at least one of the interventions you suggest (patient, provider or healthcare system focused), discuss how could you use VR to measure/test/improve this aspect of PCC.

In your paper and suggested interventions, incorporate at least two peer-reviewed published journal articles:

- Interventions to improve patient-centered communication

- Studies about patient perspectives and communication experience in your target population

- Studies that apply VR to the study of communication

o NOTE: Susan Persky and Marianne Schmid Mast are two researchers to check out!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Improving the Patient Centered Care (PCC) Experience
. Patient-centered care
Multiple studies have found diabetes self-management education (DSME) to be effective at improving patients’ diabetes-related clinical outcomes, including
glycatedhemoglobin (HbA1c), BMI,blood pressure, and lipids (8–11). However, positive outcomes are not documented equally across all racial/ethnic groups (12–14).
Culturally appropriate DSME has been shown to improve diabetes self-management for minority and immigrant communities (
Summary of PCC function
Self-management promotes self-care practices and improves patients’ clinical outcomes, and is increasingly recommended for patients with diabetes. Nonetheless, focusing on culturally competent and appropriate interventions is necessary to get positive outcomes across different racial and ethnic groups. Self-management education interventions improve knowledge on preventing complications and self-care practices (Schwennesen, Henriksen & Willaing, 2016). Self-management is also associated with an improvement in the quality of life when there is better control of health behaviors. 
The patients are expected to improve their knowledge and focus on self-care practices to help them improve health outcomes. They ought to be open to self-management and utilize information to make informed decisions. However, limited literacy among the rural communities presents a challenge on how best to improve knowledge and change health care behaviors in areas with poor access to health information. Feedback from the patients and questions provide insights on whether they understand the contents of self-management education sessions. 
Providers ought to support and promote self-management interventions to ensure there are self-care practices. The providers are essential to provide health care and implement best practices to improve health care outcomes. 
PCC and patient population 
Patients with limited literacy living in rural communities face more challenges in accessing health information than the general public, and there is a need to facilitate patient self-management (Wang et al., 2017). Low socioeconomic status of the family and educational status is associated with poor self-management practice, but self-management skills such as problem-solving skills enhance self-management (Schaffler e al., 2018). On the other having access to health information using the information to make health decisions improves self-management, health outcomes, the quality of life, and the ability to manage health conditions 
Measuring the function
Subjectively, surveys and interviews would provide information on doctors’ experiences self-management and the barriers to self-management education. Surveys would also provide u...
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