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Abnormal Psychology in Movies

Essay Instructions:

In this course we talk about how psychopathology is portrayed in our society as well as the sociopolitical and cultural factors that affect our understanding of mental illness and how this affects the lives of those with mental illnesses. Because most people don’t have expertise in abnormal psychology, public perceptions about psychopathology are strongly influenced by the media, including popular movies and television. Information presented in the media can be sympathetic and enlightening, or can perpetuate the stigma often associated with mental illness. This stigma limits opportunities for individuals with mental illnesses and often prevents them from seeking appropriate help. For this assignment, you will critically evaluate the accuracy of information recently presented in the movies or on TV on some form of psychopathology, and discuss how this presentation might influence public opinion.

"Abnormal Psychology in the Movies and on TV"

One of the most visible places to find examples of abnormal psychology is in movies or on TV. This assignment will involve watching a popular film or TV show that depicts some form of psychopathology. In your paper, you will provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the character with the disorder, an nd discuss his/her symptoms, treatment, and as the mental health profession in general. Finally, you will be asked to discuss the film's characterization in light of the current understanding of this disorder, and to consider possible sociopolitical and culture factors that went into that depiction.


****Paper Guidelines***


1 Choose a recent movie or television show that has a character with a mental illness

2 Introductory Paragraph:

a Introduce the movie and character you will be presenting

b Brief description of movie and character (3-5 sentences)

c Identify the primary diagnosis

3 Provide an overview of the disorder including age of onset, course, prevalence etc. and any research that talk about the etiology (the origins) and/or the treatment of the disorder.  This part of the paper should be approximately 1 page double spaced and should be in APA style.  Please use a minimum two peer reviewed references (which should be cited in APA style). I have posted a sample paper in APA style. You may also use this link, if you need any additional help with APA style. https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

4 Peer reviewed references are generally journal articles that can be accessed from Psych Info or Google Scholar. I will post details on how to do an article search.

5 List symptoms for primary diagnosis using DSM 5 criteria and explain what character did (i.e. behavior) to qualify to have those symptoms

6 Discuss portrayal of disorder in movie.  Was it realistic?  What was not realistic?  Was anything mentioned about treatment?  If so, what?

7 What cultural or sociopolitical factors do you think may have influenced the depiction of this mental illness. You may use examples from your own life, historical references, or any other references you think may apply. Make sure any references you include are in APA style.

8 Conclusion – What do you think the effects of this movie’s portrayal of mental illness may be on society in general?

9 References (minimum 2) in APA style

10 Paper should be 3-5 pages in length double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

'Abnormal Psychology' in movies
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'Abnormal' psychology in movies
The modern era is characterized by mental disorders that result from illnesses, age, accidents or traumas, and environmental pressures that individuals face in their daily lives. Authors and filmmakers have captured the gravity of the problem in their various channels. One of the prominent films espousing mental health illnesses is Bradley Cooper's "Silver Linings Playbook." The movie revolves around Pat Solitano, who suffers from bipolar disorder and spends eight months in a psychiatric hospital. The film covers his re-integration into society, where he attempts to win back his wife by striking a deal with another woman. The film gives a perfect representation of society's perception of mental health illnesses.
The age of onset of the illness is eighteen years, but signs may occur at any point in one's life (Newman, 2020). Furthermore, the illness affects both genders equally and prevents proper functioning. The world health organization approximates over sixty million individuals have the illness globally, and bipolar one begins at eighteen while bipolar two begins in the mid-twenties (Nemade and Dombeck, 2021). After the initial symptoms of the illness establish themselves, they keep recurring throughout the person's life.
Medical experts theorize that the disorder is relatively genetic, and most people develop it as they grow older, increasing the risk of violent outbursts, suicides, and domestic substance abuse. The illness has no known cure and has chronic future conditions, although medical experts recommend continuous treatment through antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers (Bhandari, 2020). As a result of these medications, there is the prevention of suicides and self-destructive actions.
The symptoms for bipolar disorder usually include varying degrees of highs and lows for an individual, demonstrated through sleeping difficulties, anxiety, inability to focus, mood swings, and violent tendencies. The character in the movie exhibited the disorder through his violent outbursts, sleeplessness, paranoia, and fights, such as beating up the ex-wife's lover and destroying his window (Purse, 2020). The character's depiction of the disorder was realistic as it clearly illustrates the dangerous tendencies of such individuals and sparks the possible necessity to refrain from them during such episodes.
The DSM-5 criteria are the most effective approach in the diagnosis of mental disorders. The first step in managing mental health illness is an accurate diagnosis. Based on the DSM-V criteria, one needs to have experienced at least one episode of mania or hypomania to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Severus & Bauer, 2013). The person is considered mania if they present an elevated expansive or irritable mood that lasts for over a week and is present most of the time. Such individuals experience periods of great excitement, over-activity, delusions, and euphoria. However, in other cases, they experience feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Therefore, the term...
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