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Impact of Multitasking on a Laptop on Learning

Essay Instructions:

Write a short (1 to 3 pages in Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1-inch margins) summary of the following article. The assignment is due on September 23rd.
Sana, F., Weston, T. & Cepeda, N. J. (2013). Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computers and Education, 62, 24-31.
In your summary you should (1) review and explain the logic that motivated the research, (2) identify the independent and dependent variables, (3) briefly describe the methods used in the studies, (4) identify the measurement and experimental operational definitions (i.e., identify how the researchers operationalized the independent and dependent variable), (5) describe the results and conclusions, and (6) give your opinion about the research (e.g., criticisms or questions about the research question,, experimental design, etc., or ideas about other interesting research questions not addressed in the article).
You should write:
a paragraph or two addressing points (1) and (2) worth 2.5 points
This can be accomplished by making sure that your few paragraphs answer each of the following questions.
What are some of the consequences of multitasking in a learning environment? (1 pt.)
What are the motivating research questions (or hypotheses)? (0.5 pt.)
Identify the conceptual independent and dependent variables for Study 1 and Study 2. (1 pts)
a paragraph or two addressing points (3) and (4) worth 2.5 points
Who were the experimental participants in each study? (0.5 pt.)
Describe the operationalization of the independent and dependent variables. Stated differently, how did the researchers manipulate the independent variable? How did they measure the dependent variables? Make sure to include a description of each variable that they are measuring. (2 pts.).
a paragraph or two addressing point (5) worth 2.5 points
This may be one of the harder sections of your summary, as we have not discussed statistical analyses nor have you seen a results section yet. However, you should be able to make sense of the results section if you keep the research questions and methods in mind and answer the following questions.
Given the design of the study (the way in which the independent and dependent variables were operationalized), what would you expect to find given the review presented in the introduction (i.e., which group would you predict to score higher on the dependent variables in Study 1 and Study 2)? (0.5 pt.)
What did the authors find? Or, what did the dependent variables look like across the different groups? (1 pts.)
Were the findings consistent with what you would expect based on the information that was presented in the introduction? (1 pts.)
a paragraph or two addressing point (6) worth 2.5 points
Some questions you may want to think about as you give your impressions about the research: (a) Do you think the independent and/or dependent variables could have been operationalized in a better way, (b) if the independent and dependent variables were operationalized differently do you think you would get the same results, (c) would different groups of experimental participants have responded similarly or would you only expect these results in the particular context studied, (d) are there any possible confounds in the research that might have produced the results (rather than the independent variable), (e) did the hypotheses seem logical, (f) might other hypotheses seem like more viable explanations for what is going on, (g) do you think you would find similar results in different contexts (i.e., are the results generalizable).
Papers should be written with complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation, and in paragraph form (not as an outline).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homework 1
The research by Sana et al. (2013) focuses on whether multitasking on a laptop distracts users and fellow students, which affects learning and results in lower test scores. Multitasking on a laptop is associated with reduced attention, and attention facilitates learning and performance. Some students may think that using technology while learning does not affect their concentration levels and performance. The dependent variable is learning, and the independent variables are multitasking on a laptop and multitasking peer. Since learners may get distracted when multitasking, the inability to be fully inattentive affects learning, and distraction affects self and peer learning.
The researchers conducted two experiments, and the first focused on the impact of multitasking on a laptop on learning. The second experiment focuses on the influence of multitasking peers on learning. In the first experiment, 44 undergraduate students from a Canadian university were enrolled in an introductory psychology course, and they all brought a personal laptop (Sana et al., 2013). There were 12 online tasks in the multitasking environment (Sana et al., 2013). In the second experiment, 38 undergraduate students who had not participated in the first experiment enrolled. The experiment addressed whether they were distracted and whether they were hindered in their learning (Sana et al., 2013)
Learning was measured by performance on a comprehension test. The first experiment had two experimental conditions on multitasking on a laptop, with 20 being multitasking and 20, not multitasking. Four people were not included in the final analysis as they had previous k...
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