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Illustration of Stereotypes, Prejudice, or Racism in Podcasts

Essay Instructions:

Homework - choose one of 3 podcast episodes posted below:
While listening to the podcast episode, monitor the expression or illustration of stereotypes, prejudice, or racism. You should record the title of the program episode you listened to, and reproduce the table template (see below) to keep track of the stereotypes you observe. Include your table with a 750-word report summarizing your observations about the data you collected, and connecting the stereotypes, prejudice, or racism to the class materials. Describe how the stereotypes/prejudice/racism were expressed - that is, did people explicitly express stereotypical or racist beliefs, or were the expressions more subtle or implicit? Why do you think these specific stereotypes or elements of racism exist, and how are they maintained? What are the consequences of these instances stereotypes or racism in the situation or context within which you observed them?
Table for Block #4 Homework.pdf
Content warning: Each of these podcast episodes involves expressions of stereotypes regarding minority populations. Hearing these stereotypes expressed can be distressing for some students.
Podcast episode options:
1. Podcast: Nice White Parents; Episode: 1 - The Book of Statuses. Transcript available. This episode covers a case of school integration, and what happens when a school serving mostly minority students has a huge influx of white families.
2. Podcast: This American Life; Episode: 562 - The Problem We All Live With Part 1. Transcript available. This episode also covers school integration, but in a situation where integration happened as an accident, as a result of another policy.
3. Podcast: Thunder Bay; Episode: Chapter 1 - There is a Town in North Ontario. Transcript available. This episode covers the murders of Indigenous youth in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Illustration of Stereotypes, Prejudice, or Racism in Podcasts
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Illustration of Stereotypes, Prejudice, or Racism in Podcasts
Equal treatment of every individual is a prospect that eludes most cities going y the people’s behaviors. Unequal distribution of resources has led to low education, poor healthcare, and inadequate road networks within some areas. This paper explores the podcast: Thunder Bay; Episode: Chapter 1 - There is a Town in North Ontario. Summarily, there is a town called Thunder Bay in northern Ontario. Thunder Bay is, arguably, the riskiest place in the world, especially for indigenous populations. The podcast’s contents define the scope of prejudice that some towns endure and how challenging it is to eliminate systemic racism.
Expression of Stereotypes
Stereotypes in Thunder Bay are expressed both implicitly and explicitly. Implicitly, people harbor some hate within themselves even if they cannot say it. Indigenous populations are alienated and viewed as intruders. The other aspect of implicit racism constitutes the efforts that stakeholders are undertaking to curb racism, prejudice, and stereotypes. From their behaviors, the people of Thunder Bay enjoy covering their ideals. Such individuals choose not to speak to outsiders who they believe will misunderstand and misinterpret their behaviors. Omitting the right courses of action is a challenge that the people of Thunder Bay have stayed to adopt within their culture.
There are multiple cases of the explicit show of prejudice in Thunder Bay. In the podcast, a police officer who should protect individuals from the threats of the community is shown to support the ills of prejudice and racism. The police officer is recorded to have declared how he could not wait for the death of the narrator. There are other explicit racism/prejudice cases, such as throwing indigenous populations into the river, police...
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