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The Giving Tree By Shel Silverstein Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (can be found in book stores, libraries and on Youtube).

This paper should include, but is not limited to a discussion of the following:

Codependent relationships, include a definition of codependency and its' symptoms.

The meaning of being interdependent in a relationship.

Enabling behaviors.

Discuss the relationship between the tree and the boy as he ages.


Content: Papers should be written in short essay or research paper format. All work must be in the student's own words. Citations must be included on reference page.

Length: Three pages (approximately 750 words), excluding the title and reference page.

Format: Include a cover sheet and a reference page. Use APA format.

References: Three references are required. Use your textbook as one of the three. References must be less than 5 years old.

Submission: Submit as an attachment using .doc or .docx format. Papers that cannot be opened by the instructor will given a grade of “0.”

Additional Directions:


Eliminate the extra space between paragraphs.

12-point font.

1-inch margins on all sides.

½ inch indentation for each paragraph.

Page numbers in upper right corner.

References and citations in text are required to avoid plagiarism. You must use the current standards found in the APA Manual (6th ed.) You can also find help from Basics of APA Style - American Psychological Association, Smarthinking.com, OWL at Purdue, or numerous other websites.

Refer to the Grading Rubric included herein for further directions/explanations of how this paper will be graded.

Papers will be submitted through “Turnitin” which compares the current paper with all outside references and previously submitted papers. Any paper that has evidence of plagiarism will be given a “0.” You must reference your work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Giving Tree
Codependency is a behavioral and emotional condition that impairs a person’s ability to create mutual, healthy satisfying relationships. The relationships they make with people are often one-sided and thus emotionally abusive and destructive. Codependency is behavior that is learnt and passed down from one generation to another. People learn the behavior by imitating those around them who have the same behavior. Codependency affects those people who exhibit this condition; it can be a spouse, a friend, a sibling, co-worker or a parent, especially in dysfunctional families (Lancer, 2016).
A major characteristic exhibited by co-dependent person is low self-esteem. Due to this, a co-dependent would look for a factor originating from the outside to make them feel better. They often turn to alcoholism, gambling, and workaholism among others. The intentions of these people should never be mistaken. Their intentions are good. They want to take care of the other party but it often turns out to be defeating and compulsive (Lancer, 2016). The symptoms of codependency include low-self esteem, people pleasing, poor boundaries, reactivity, control, caretaking, dysfunctional communications, obsessions, painful emotions, intimacy problems, denial, and dependency.
Low self-esteem is usually associated with trying to compare one's self with others, the feeling of not being worthy or good enough, perfectionism, shame, guilt and feeling inadequate and unlovable. Saying ‘no' to co-dependents is the biggest problem (Lancer, 2016). They often go miles of accommodating everyone by sacrificing their needs in the sense of pleasing them. The poor boundaries in regard to feelings often get codependents in trouble. They often feel guilty and responsible for other people’s feelings. They at times blame their own feeling on other people. To some codependents, they form rigid boundaries, making difficult for people to access them. Reactivity comes as a result of poor boundaries such that codependents find themselves reacting to the feelings and thoughts of everyone. Caretaking is also as a result of poor boundaries whereby someone wants to take care of the other to a point that they give up on themselves.
Control is a way that codependents use to feel safe and okay. They take control of their feelings and thoughts and are rigidly sharing them. They often find something that makes them feel better such as alcoholism or suppress their feelings such as workaholism (Lancer, 2016). Most of the times they extend this control to their loved ones such that they want them to behave in a certain way for them to feel safe. Codependents are usually obsessed with fear and anxiety a...
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