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Psychology of Space for Attraction Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Video: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=88tcUBZRbwk
Question 1: Which of the five core social motives (belonging, understanding, controlling, enhancing self, trusting others) do you think best explains the psychological aspects of space as discussed in Dr. Sam Gosling's talk?
Question 2: What are the implications of Dr. Sam Gosling's talk on the psychology of space for attraction (initiating romance, friendship, and other relationships)?
Question 3: Do you think that the basic principles of attraction (familiarity, physical attractiveness, similarity, and reciprocity) operate differently when considering relationships that are formed online? How? Are there other sources of information that play an important role in interpersonal attraction that takes place online?

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Belonging is a core motive that elaborates the need for people to have stable and strong relationships with others (Over, 2015). Individuals want to feel like they belong to a certain group to enable them to survive both psychologically and physically. Therefore, the psychology of space can be characterized by various personality behaviors. Dr. Sam Gosling in his elaboration of the psychology of space begins with an illustration of dorm rooms, which are identical at the beginning of the semester, and appear different as the semester progresses (Gosling, 2014). The differentiation is attributed to different personalities of the students residing in the dorms. Understanding how individuals connect to their space is possible since they leave traces and emotion.
Psychology of Space for Attraction
Gosling gives another illustration, distinguishing an introvert and extrovert. The illustration includes two offices where one has photos and images of people or friends and the other just that of a tree. The difference between the two people is about the regulation of emotions, where one is an exciting person and the other is a calm and regulates their emotions downwards (Gosling, 2014).
Progressively, Gosling (2014) explains the space psychology as understood by Chris Trevor, who is an architect that incorporates the understanding of the psychology of space of an individual in designing a house. Chris interviews his clients with questions, including a description by the clients about the moments in their lives that they felt protected and safe. He then uses the description in designing the house. An example is in the master bedroom, where Chris invokes the client's sentiments on privacy, passion, and reflection. Gosling took perspective to try to understand the aspects of emotion among people in relation to space (Gosling, 2014). The romance was a dominant aspect required by most people in their bedroom settings.
Furthermore, within the living room, dining, kitchen and playing room most people wanted to evoke family. Relaxation is another emotion that majority of the people wanted in their guestroom, living room and playing room. After an analysis of the emotions, it is essential to understand the things that should be done to ensure they are felt. When people want to evoke romance they light candles, and a fireplace (Gosling, 2014).
At the beginning of the lecture, Gosling asked his audience why they chose their specific sitting positions. Research shows that most people sit in the same position they had sat earlier. However, people in a hall sit with regards to various factors. For instance, at the front are people with a great passion for achievement and have higher consciousness (Gosling, 2014). Socialism also affects the sitting position of people, as they want to sit next to individuals they like, and hence, they cluster in terms of their religion or shared goals.
Personalities of people can also be described by the cities in which they live. The passion for the cities is characterized by various activities that are undertaken in the places that they like and feel a sense of belonging to. In the United States, neuroticism is characterized to be dominant in people living towards the east coast in comparison to the west coast. It is a feature of individuals that are depressed, tensed and easily upset. Contrary, open people are found to be more towards the west coast. They are tolerant, artistic and creative. In the process of forming relationships, people tend to initiate a sense of belonging among themselves (Gosling, 2014).
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