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Psychology Response on Free Will and Responsibility

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This is a response to order number 00074506. I need a response to the following.

In “The Dark Side of Free Will” Gregg Caruso claims that free will is a kind of corrosive power or ability. As a free-will optimistic skeptic, he maintains that control and reasoned-responsiveness is not enough to ground desert moral responsibility. This responsibility, Caruso suggests validates blame and praise, punishment and reward, in a purely backward-looking sense. Free will for negative actions, he further suggests, validates retribution. Therefore, in his TedTalk this optimistic skeptic discusses the prospects of life without free will.

Ultimately, Caruso suggests that the belief in free will should be abandoned; and with it, the belief that people justly get what they deserve. In doing so society will also abandon “the difficult task of addressing the causes that lead to criminality, the causes that lead to wealth inequity, and the causes that lead to educational inequity” (Caruso, 2014). Once the belief in free will is relinquished, a deeper and more clear view of the systems that shape individuals and their behavior can be found.

Neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga’s brings us to similar conclusions regarding the abandonment of “free will”. He offers a provocative argument against the common belief that our lives are wholly determined by physical processes and we are therefore not responsible for our actions. In “How Free is Your Will” Gazzaniga explores the concepts of free will and moral responsibility. Gazzaniga suggests humans have an “interpreter” located in the brain, that weaves a story about why one feels and acts in a certain way. He argues that we remain personally accountable for our actions as responsibility arises out of each person’s interactions within the social environment. Gazzaniga concludes that responsibility is “a needed consequence of more than one individual interacting with another.” Thus, human behavior is not fully predetermined, as a sense of responsibility is derived from social interaction.

In conclusion, before the world was determined to not be flat, people wondered if ships fell off at the end of the earth. Once the idea of earth being round became common knowledge, the old flat questions seemed silly. Likewise, new questions seem silly until a new perspective is accepted. Because of this week research I see free will is an antiquated idea and the future lies in accepting the human mind is special kind of machine. Ultimately, the denial of free will allows for the adoption of more humane and more effective policies in education, criminal justice and social relationships.

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Free Will and Responsibility
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Free Will and Responsibility
In the article, the author has discussed Gregg Caruso’s “The Dark Side of Free Will,” a book that explores the consequences of free-will in the society. The document shows that Gregg Caruso is against free-will because he believes it leads to adverse outcomes concerning the behavior of an individual. Moreover, the article indicates that the element of free-will can be misused and become a scapegoat for people’s actions. Therefore, the text provides opinions and suggestions that free-will is an outdated concept that should give way for the adoption of other better policies for the future of humanity.
One of my responses or reactions to this article is based on the experiences and observations I have made in the society for a long time. For instance, free-will gives individuals the authority to act without the limitation of fate or necessity. Moreover, it is the capability of operating as a person wishes. Many evils in the society have been happening because of the free-will policy. Situations like crimes, bad conducts by students in schools, and corruption by government officials are as a result of free-will, and people act at their discretion without considering the consequences of their actions and; hence, end up affecting many in the society.
I agree with Gregg Caruso that free will is a type of corrosive power or capability bestowed to humans. I believe that the reasoned-responsiveness...
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