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The Caregiving. Janet Belsky. Psychology Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will help you better understand that caring for partners, parents, children, and others is a major expression of generativity.


The current group of adults in this time of life have been referred to as the "sandwich generation". After you have read the chapter, the additional reading and watched the videos of generativity in general, and particularly for this generation during this stage of life, write an essay (minimum of 500 words) in which you thoughtfully respond to the following:

Women are more often kinkeepers and caregivers than are men.

What does the term caregiver mean for adult women (hint: refer to the textbook chapter)?

Why might women be the designated kinkeepers and caregivers in their families?

How are these roles both a blessing and a burden? Please discuss at least one pro and one con.

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What does the term caregiver mean for adult women (hint: refer to the textbook chapter)?
According to Janet Belsky, a caregiver is a person who looks after a sick or a child on a regular basis. In some circumstances, the caregiver may also have to provide assistance and care to a disabled person or an elderly, depending on the nature of his or her job. Most of the caregivers in Europe, Canada, and the United States are adult women who are said to be assisting their clients in a better way (Belsky, 2016). Middle-aged ladies can be seen looking after their parents and playing a role of caregiver. Whenever they are asked to take care of a disabled, a child or an elderly, they do not hesitate and try to fulfill the requirements of their job. It should be noticed that a female caregiver may also look after her grandparents or disabled siblings, depending on their physical or mental condition. In some situations, grandparents can also become caregivers of their grandchildren, and this happens when their parents have passed away, have gone to the jail, or have separated their ways, leaving the children all alone. In this situation, grandparents will be given full legal custody of their grandchildren, and it does not matter whether a grandmother is looking after the grandchildren, a grandfather or both of them.
Why might women be the designated kin-keepers and caregivers in their families?
All over the world, women are considered bette...
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