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Executive Functions of Intervention, Mindful Yoga, and Parent Support on Children Education

Essay Instructions:

This is the second part of the whole term project.

I have attached the completed first part of project in the files.

The second part is about summarizing the four articles(Thibodeau is already summarized in the first part) and create connections between this four articles according to the parent question.

Most important is to explain how these four studies applied to the parent question(which is the fourth one in the parent question files--about executive function)

Parent Questions for the Term Project Cognitive Development

1. I am a new father and I want the best for my baby daughter. I want to give her the head start in life I never had, so that she can get a scholarship to go to college and get a good job. I’ve seen all kinds of products out there, like Baby Einstein videos and Leapfrog electronic toys, that are supposed to be able to teach babies all sorts of amazing things- a second language, music and art appreciation, how to read, and all sorts of facts. The problem is that these products are expensive, and money is really tight in our family right now. Is it really worth it to invest in all these early learning videos, apps, and toys? Do they really help kids learn? -Worried in Walnut Creek

2. My first language was Spanish and I learned English starting in elementary school. My partner speaks only English. I would like for our daughter to grow up learning both languages, so that she can communicate with her family and community. However, my partner is worried that hearing two languages will confuse her and she will be behind in learning to talk and will be behind in cognitive development. I think it will be ok because even though she hears a lot of English at home, my extended family and I can use Spanish with her frequently. Can children really learn two languages at the same time or should we just focus on one language for now? -Bilingual in Bakersfield

3. My baby’s pediatrician told us that I should start reading to her, but it feels kind ofsilly because she can’t talk yet and doesn’t even seem to understand what I say. Is there really a good reason to start reading to babies? Does reading to babies and little kids really help them learn? Is there anything I can do during reading to help her learn more now or even when she is older? -Reading in Redding

4. My son started elementary school recently and I’m worried about his ability to pay attention in class and to control his actions. He has trouble waiting his turn for toys and activities and when he is playing with something it is really hard for him to switch to a new activity. When it is time to leave the park, I have to warn him 10 times and even then he is really upset when it is time to leave. I think he loses his temper pretty quickly, too. His doctor said his development seems typical, but I would like to know if there is anything I can do to helphim. Are there things we could do at home or things that his school could do to help with his focus, flexibility, and/or his ability to control impulses? -Concerned in Concord

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Background Paper
Preschool Intervention
The research titled "preschool intervention can promote sustained growth in the executive functions skills of children exhibiting early deficits," primarily aims at examining the implications of the Head Start research-based developmentally informed (REDI) preschool intervention on children's executive function skills. The research involved observing a sample of 356 four-year-old children from preschool through to preschool (Sasser, Bierman, Heinrichs & Nix, 2017). Moreover, the intervention was also dependent on teacher-student interaction. REDI program involved illustrative approaches to learning and primarily targeted enhancement of socio-emotional and language-emergent literacy skills. Furthermore, in the introduction, the researchers establish that poverty among children contributes to delayed executive functions.
Stratification was predominantly used to sample the children accordingly. Furthermore, the sampling method took into account several characteristics such as race, children's family backgrounds, nature of parenting, and education level among parents. Out of 356 children, 17% were of Hispanic origin, 58% European Americans, and 25% African Americans. The analysis of data Incorporated the maximum likelihood estimate to reduce marginal era due to missing data. Information about each child's family was obtained from the parents, and records were taken regarding behavior and attention. Moreover, an assessment was conducted before and after the intervention during the preschool year. Also, an annual evaluation of the executive function skills of children was undertaken.
The study attributed harsh environmental conditions to cases of poor response of the children to the preschool intervention. Moreover, poverty was identified as a significant factor that impeded the expected results in some children. 16% of the children fell under the high EF group,58% under the moderate-EF, while 26% fell under the low EF group. Factors such as socioeconomic status and child IQ contributed to the variations. The results of the study indicate that most children would respond to preschool interventions. The study applies to the parent question since it addresses solutions to attaining executive function among children. For a child who has trouble paying attention in class and lacks control of his actions, the preschool intervention will improve the inhibitory control and the child's attention shifting abilities.
Mindful Yoga
The study titled “Enhancing Preschoolers’ Self-Regulation Via Mindful Yoga” focused on evaluating the effects of mindful-based yoga intervention in improving self-regulation among preschool children (Razza, Bergen-Cico & Raymond, 2015). The intervention included 29 children between the age of 3-5 who were observed within one year. Furthermore, the sample was divided into treatment and control groups. The teachers played a significant role in the implementation of the intervention among the treatment group. Moreover, parents provided a report on self-regulation indicators such as control of emotions, behavior, attention, and other aspects of executive function and effortful control. In the introduction, the researchers acknowledge that ahead of the study, they were interested in establishing whether children with low self-regulation experience the most impact from the intervention.
Furthermore, the intervention employed a model based on the pre-test and post-test methods. Comparison of results was made by observing intervention classrooms and control classrooms. The intervention classroom incorporated mindful yoga for 25 days, whereas the control classroom did not participate in yoga. Parents recorded the progress of their children’s self-regulation using questionnaires, which were then submitted to the teacher. Besides the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire, other assessment measures included Toy wait, Toy wrap, Pencil-Tapping, dr...
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