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The Cause and Effects of Early Detection for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children

Essay Instructions:

Essay Draft Chart

Your 1 and ½ page double spaced draft should do the following:

Paragraph 1

identify the change and its relevance (Advance in Diagnostic Methods Bringing Early Detection of autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities in Applied Behavior Analysis.)

Establish your thesis about the cause or effect of the change

(don’t worry, though, if you are having trouble writing an attention-grabbing introduction at this point--focus on your thesis)

Paragraph 2

establish Topic Sentence about first cause or effect

use paragraph development strategies like PIE to support the topic sentence and explain why you think this cause or effect is relevant

Paragraph 3

Establish Topic Sentence about second cause or effect

use paragraph development strategies PIE to support the topic sentence and explain why you think this cause or effect is relevant

Paragraph 4

Establish Topic Sentence about third cause or effect

use paragraph development strategies like PIE to support the topic sentence and explain why you think this cause or effect is relevant.

Complete the following downloadable Research Plan Chart and include it at the end of your Unit 6 Assignment. This Research Plan Chart will help you identify the specific research information and evidence you will need to locate to support the ideas or claims in each of the body paragraphs of your draft.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advance in Diagnostic Methods
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Advance in Diagnostic Methods Bringing Early Detection of Autism Spectrum and other Developmental Disabilities in Applied Behavior Analysis
Detecting and diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders is relevant in a person's life since it provides opportunities for them to benefit fully from the early programs. Research and studies state that there is positive progress regarding the improvement of the efficacy of ASD when detected earlier. The behavioral expression is considered as an opportunity to link behavior and ASD this bringing people closer to the mechanism under the disorder. The health department has implemented behavioral and communication approaches that have provided people with ASD, direction, structure, and organization programs that will ensure the child participate in family activities thus giving them a sense of living. This paper will explain the cause and effect of detecting and diagnosing ASD and disabilities. People suffering from ASD should be treated according to their needs.
The effect of the diagnostic methods in detecting ASD and other disabilities earlier is that skills and knowledge that the child needs to perform their daily activities will be taught at an early stage. During this stage in a child, their brain plasticity is more pronounced and the impact of the intervention is comprehensively compared when detected later in life. The skills and knowledge acquired are taught systematically by trained staff with ethical guidelines to ensure child’s improvement in their activities. A study done by the UK Millennium Cohort Study states that over 18,500 children who were diagnosed with ASD had health and developmental challenges when they were nine months compared to children who were not in the spectrum (Juergensen et al., 2018). At the age of three, they experienced communication, motoring, and sensory problems which made them poorer in their social health (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2018). Treating children with ASD according to their needs improves their social development at a young age. Treating them accordingly means, enrolling them in programs that will teach them how to take care of themselves at an early age and their behavior. In other words, after detecting and diagnosing autism, children need to be enrolled in programs that use applied behavior analysis (ABA). ABA is the process of applying analysis of children's behavior as part of their development journey thus making a child live a fulfilled life despite their challenges. The analysis program not only helps with ASD but also People with Disabilities (PWD).
The effect of the change is that diagnosing ASD and disability at an early stage is important since it is the language development stage of children. most children who are artistic experience difficulty in social in...
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