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Evaluation of Test Purpose, Population, and Training

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will write a paper in which you:

Identify a test category that is relevant to your academic specialization or a related profession. The List of Tests by Type [DOCX] identifies the 11 categories you may choose from. They include:

(1) Intelligence/cognitive abilities.

(2) Achievement/aptitude.

(3) Personality.

(4) Behavior. *******this is mine

(5) Adaptive behavior.

(6) Neuropsychological.

(7) Career/business/organization.

(8) Autism.

(9) Depression.

(10) Preschool.

(11) Behavior analytic skill assessments.

Select three tests from a single category using the List of Tests by Type [DOCX].

Note: If you have an interest in a particular test that is not on this list, then you may submit a request to your instructor to include it in your first assignment with two other tests on the list in the same category. Your instructor will review it and determine if you may proceed with including that test in your assignment or recommend that you select three tests from the list.

Compare and contrast these three tests based on the following:

The purpose for testing, the content, skills, or constructs assessed and evaluated based on one's area of specialization or a related profession.

The normative sample, sampling procedures, and the intended population and evaluation based on the anticipated populations served by one’s specialization or related profession.

The training required to administer, score, and interpret and evaluate based on one's anticipated assessment training or the training of a related profession.

Use the Capella library to search for articles that discuss the test.

Do bibliography mining to find the original source of the test.

Do cited reference searching to find articles that use the test and their research or discuss the test

See the PSY7610 Search Guide for additional advice. An optional worksheet is also provided to you in the resources to facilitate your research and literature review.

Use RefWorks or another organization strategy to keep track of the articles you find. Even if you don’t use the articles for this assignment, you may use it in a future assignment in this course.

Return to the Capella library to choose a database, for example, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and ERIC (education research). Search for journal articles that are relevant to the elements for each test.

See the PSY7610 Library Research Guide for search advice. An optional worksheet is also provided to you in the resources to facilitate your research and literature review.)

Visit the publisher's website for each test to obtain additional information.

If the test is not owned by a publishing company, you will need to find this information in other sources, such as journal articles.

Use the MMY database in the Capella Library to locate and read a review for each test.

Not all tests have been reviewed by the MMY. If your test has not been reviewed, you will need to find the information in another source, such as a journal article.

Instructions for the content of the paper are in the u02a1 Assignment Template [DOCX].

You may use the Optional Research Worksheet [DOCX] given in the resources to complete this assignment.

Additional Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

References: A minimum of nine references are required for this assignment. These resources may include all of the reference sources identified in your Psychological Testing and Assessment text but must include:

--Three MMY test reviews (one for each test if available). If an MMY review is not available for one or more of your selected tests, you must substitute with another type of source.

--Three test publisher websites (one for each test). If there is no test publisher website for a selected test, you must substitute this with another type of source.

--Three journal articles (one for each test).

-Length of paper: 5 Double spaced

-APA format

Note: The articles you need to complete this assignment should be available inside the library collection. In future courses, you may use the Capella library's Interlibrary Loan service to obtain articles outside of the collection, but you should not have to use the service for this course. In the event that you cannot find articles covering a newer test edition, please refer to the List of Tests by Type [DOCX]. Note which tests have been designated as acceptable for searching prior test editions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluation of Test Purpose, Population, and Training
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
The most effective treatment and management (behavioral) interventions are those arrived at after a series of tests of all available and relevant variables related to the illness or behavior under study. Ashbaugh et al. (2021) highlight that for one to be of great help to another individual, they must take a considerable amount of time to study and understand the root cause of their conduct or illness. The understanding of one's behavior is facilitated by psychological assessment and analysis of their conduct. Psychological researchers and scientists have been designing a plethora of examinations and tests that measure multiple psychological aspects such as intelligence, aptitude, behavior, autism, motivation, and depression. Psychological and personality tests are significant in diagnosing and prescribing appropriate treatment to patients. These tests have undergone several changes over the years, helping psychologists and psychiatrists develop improved treatment measures and interventions that have proven beneficial to clients under their care.
This study will focus on personality tests utilized in assessing an individual's behavior. Understanding a person's behavior is essential in developing effective treatment interventions. The behavioral tests to be discussed comprise the Achenbach Systems of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), Behavior Assessment Systems for Children (BASC-3), and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The study begins by discussing various elements of each test, its purposes, population, and training techniques. Furthermore, a brief comparison of the three tests is included.
The purpose for Testing and Content, Skills, and Constructs
The BASC-3 is a test aimed at understanding various behaviors and emotions of individuals aged between 5 and 25 from three key perspectives. This comprises the self, parent, and teacher. It consists of five scales, involving a teacher rating scale, self-report of personality, the parent rating scale, structured development history, and student observation system (Kamphaus et al., 2007). Since the information is collected from different sources (the teacher, student, and parent), the test provides a wide-ranging overview of a person’s emotional and behavioral problems as it manifests in various settings. The test is useful in diagnosing and treating clinical disorders that begin in childhood, such as anxiety, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactive disorder. Consequently, the BASC-3 test points out learning difficulties associated with adjustment difficulties and low self-concept. Due to its potential to flag behavioral and emotional difficulties at their onset, the test is essential in the differential diagnosis because it measures individuals' progress over time (Zhou et al., 2021).
The BRIEF test assesses children's executive functions in their natural environments, such as schools and homes. Executive functions in children are the cognitive abilities required to control actions, emotions, and thoughts, helping them develop the acquired skills of problem-solving, decision-making, adaptability, emotion awareness, and teamwork. Parents and teachers are issued a questionnaire to collect data on the executive functioning of a child or adolescent. These tests are essential when working with children with learning disorders, attention deficit, lead exposure, traumatic brain injuries, depression, passive developmental issues, and other medical, developmental, psychiatric, and neurological disorders (Roth et al., 2014). The ASEBA test has been developed through years of practical experience and research to provide various professionals with a comprehensive formula for assessing maladaptive and adaptive functioning (Achenbach & Rescoria, 2014). Generally, the test assesses diverse emotional, thought, strengths, competencies, social, and adaptive functioning problems based on data collected from multiple informants.
ASEBA provides professionals with user-friendly tools to deal with people of all age ranges. It is effective as it sets standards for an integrated multi-informant assessment, and it is culturally distinct because it is translated into more than 100 languages. Furthermore, it is supported by comprehensive studies on needs, outcomes, the prevalence of problems, diagnosis, treatment efficacy, medical conditions, epidemiology, genetics, and environmental impacts. The purpose for testing, content, skills, and constructs of BRIEF, BASC-3, and ASEBA is in line with the behavioral assessment, a fundamental concept of psychology. I am interested in behavioral analysis in individuals of all ages, especially children. Understanding the reason behind the emotions displayed and a child's conduct is vital in identifying personality and psychological issues affecting them. The three tests are helpful in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders and in measuring an individual's progress over time.
Normative Sample, Sampling procedures, and intended Population
The BASC-3 is designed as a multidimensional and multimethod system that assess behavior and emotions in children aged 2 to adolescents and young adults aged 25 years. The normative sample consists of children aged 2-25 and includes specific scales for preschool, school-aged, adolescents, and young adults. Resear...
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