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Construct, Criterion, and Content Validity

Essay Instructions:

Types of Validity

In this week's readings, you read about three types of validity evidence:


Criterion (predictive and concurrent).


In your discussion post for this week, follow the guidelines below:

Compare and contrast the different types of validity evidence in terms of their purpose, procedures, and types of tests that collect each type of evidence.

Select a standardized psychological test used in your specialization or a related profession (preferably not one of the three you selected for your course project) and provide two examples of construct, criterion-related, and content evidence that could be collected to support the validity of your selected test.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Construct, Criterion, and Content Validity
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Construct, Criterion, and Content Validity
Question 1
Construct validity evidence is used to determine whether a test is measuring the construct that it is intended to measure. The purpose of construct validity evidence is to ensure that a test is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring, and that the test scores are related to other measures of the same construct (Dunn, 2020). Procedures to collect construct validity evidence include comparing test scores to scores on other measures of the same construct and conducting factor analysis to determine which test items are measuring the same construct. Construct validity evidence is typically collected for all types of tests, including aptitude tests, achievement tests, and personality tests.
Criterion-related validity evidence is used to determine whether a test is related to an external criterion, such as job performance or academic achievement. There are two types of criterion-related validity evidence: predictive and concurrent. Predictive validity evidence is collected by administering the test to a group of individuals and then measuring their performance on a criterion such as job performance at a later time (Dunn, 2020). Concurrent validity evidence is collected by administering the test and criterion measure to the same group of individuals at the same time. The purpose of criterion-related validity evidence is to ensure that a test is measuring something that is related to success in the real world. Procedures to collect criterion-related validity evidence include comparing test scores to criterion scores and conducting correlation analysis. Criterion-related validity evidence is typically collected for aptitude tests, achievement tests, and personality tests.
Content validity evidence is used to determine whethe...
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