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Digital Device Use Before Bedtime Reduces Sleep Quality

Essay Instructions:

I would like to have the science of mind book included in my references.

Researchers often use a method called an experiment in order to study the causes of human and animal behavior. Design such an experiment based on a change in behavior you have observed in yourself or your roommates this past semester (e.g., eating or sleeping habits, exercise regime, game playing, etc.). Select a behavior that you are particularly interested in studying, and then design the experiment to investigate a possible cause of that behavior. Address the following questions. What is the hypothesis you will test in your experiment? What are the independent and dependent variables? Who will be the subjects or participants in your study? What are the experimental and control group conditions? Here, you may assume that you have the resources necessary to conduct your experiment and that you can control, or manipulate, the environment of your subjects as necessary. For example, suppose your hypothesis is as follows: Higher levels of stress from a heavy course workload increase eating activity. Assume that you have the ability to control the workload, etc., of your subjects. How will you assign your subjects to groups? What are the possible results of your study, and what might these results indicate about your hypothesis? In a multi-paragraph essay, describe your experiment and explain how you will conduct this experiment to test your hypothesis. Be sure to propose your hypothesis, and then describe the independent and dependent variables, the experimental and control conditions, the subject or participant groups, and the conclusions you can draw based on the results of your experiment. Include information from class materials and readings to support your discussion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Design Stress Reduction and Experiment
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In today's technology-driven environment, digital devices are everywhere, affecting our daily life. Thus, it is crucial to understand how excessive digital gadget use affects human behavior, precisely sleep quality. Healthy mental, emotional, and physical functioning all require sufficient sleep. As a result, research on the link between digital device use and sleep habits is crucial for comprehending the potential health risks. This controlled experiment tests the hypothesis that using digital devices before bedtime decreases sleep quality. The study manipulates screen exposure length and compares it to a controlled condition to examine its effect on sleep quality. College students living in communal housing will comprise the study's diversified sample of digital device users. This trial will shed light on the potential negative impacts of digital device use on sleep and underline the significance of healthy practices to maintain good sleep.
Experimental Design
Hypothesis: Digital device use before bedtime reduces sleep quality.
Independent Variable: Screen exposure before bedtime (minutes).
Dependent Variable: Sleep quality (evaluated by validated sleep assessment methods).
Experimental Group: Before bedtime, this group will use digital devices. Instructions are to use their devices to browse social media, play games, or view videos before bedtime.
Control Group: This group will abstain from using electronic devices before bed. They should read, meditate, or listen to calming music instead. College students who live in communal housing will be the study's subjects and participants. They will be random to the experimental or control group (Kingsland, 2020). Age, gender, sleep habits, and academic load should be balanced between the two groups.
College campuses will advertise for participants to guarantee diversity in recruitment and assignment. They will be evaluated for the investigation (Melhart, 2020). Individuals will be randomly assigned to the experimental or cont...
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