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Developing Self Awareness Skills Learning Lab Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:
To explore own self awareness as a counselor To develop understanding of one’s external and internal relationship To examine tone, rate of speech, and rate of response within a therapeutic relationship To understand the role of the basket analogy in counseling Reconsider counseling strategies as well as errors that occur in counseling Self reflect on your own abilities and needed improvements Then, write a 2-3 page (average of 250 words per page) reflection paper exploring and discussing your self awareness and the external and internal relationship. Consideration of the elements of delivery responses including tone, volume, rate of speech, and rate of response as well as the basket analogy should be considered. The paper is to include consideration of information within the Unit Notes a as well as the Shebib (2022) and Young (2021) textbooks as references. Include as at least ONE peer reviewed article from 10 years or less for support. Hello, Please read the instructions fully and then answer all the sections it is expecting while writing the paper. Thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Developing Self-Awareness Skills Learning Lab Reflection Paper Student's Name Institution Course # and name Professor's Name Submission Date Developing Self-Awareness Skills Learning Lab Reflection Paper Self-awareness implies being aware of one's ideas, emotions, convictions, actions, and attitudes and understanding how these qualities are influenced by significant elements of one's personal and societal background. Therapists need self-awareness to understand their responses. Additionally, it helps therapists comprehend client perceptions. Both internal and environmental influences affect self-awareness. Counselor awareness can be defined as a deliberate practice of introspecting on one's inner thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors (Pereira et al., 2024). Self-awareness is essential in therapy, as therapists must reflect on whether they are practicing beneficence and non-maleficence effectively. This enables them to understand how their physical and mental well-being can impact their ability to assist their clients. This paper explores how self-awareness affects the therapeutic process, the importance of recognizing personal limitations, and the need for adaptability in meeting diverse client needs, demonstrating how it improves counseling effectiveness and therapist growth. Self-awareness in counseling involves recognizing strengths, limitations, and emotional responses. According to Shebib (2022), counselors must be aware of their needs and unresolved issues, referring clients to other professionals when necessary to maintain objectivity and effectiveness. Internally, self-awareness requires continuous self-reflection and a willingness to confront personal biases and prejudices. This means that I have to be aware of how my past experiences and emotional states may affect how I understand and interact with clients. For instance, I have to be careful not to project my family dynamics troubles onto clients who are going through similar difficulties. Externally, self-awareness is realizing how my behavior, tone, and body language affect the client. Young (2021) asserts that building trust and forging a solid bond require nonverbal communication. I may make a situation more welcoming and comfortable for clients to share their stories by being conscious of my external cues, such as maintaining appropriate eye contact and an open posture. A crucial element of proficient counseling is the capacity to adjust to the varied requirements...
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