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Review Literature Developed On Multi-Cultural Competence

Essay Instructions:

I will need in text citations on 8-1 and 8-2 three reference 2 on 8-1 and one or two on 8-2 please answers questions in details at least 75 words for each one might need to be in more details than the other I need in 10 days I have addded the questions and other materials to starts but I still need to send you other materials you might ned to answer the two questions I will send that information in about a few hours to you the DOC file is long but I think you will need some of the information in the material there is something on multicultural counseling. Chapters 16,17,18 and preamble and research section of the American counseling association code of ethics 2014 and the instructions was asking for some of these things in the instructions look at the materials and take what you need to make me a detailed comments. Please forward this file to the writer.

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8-1 and 8-2 Post
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Qualitative research provides the description of the subject matter which creates a clear image about the matter to the analyst, thereby enabling him/her to come up with necessary steps towards dealing with the issue. Quantitative analysis, however, incorporates the use of data regarding an issue to define the subject matter, after which a researcher develops alternatives based on the information acquired from the data generated (Sheperis, Young & Daniels, 2017, pp. 192). In other words, Qualitative research uses secondary sources about an issue whereas quantitative design involves the development of primary data collection about an issue (Balnaves & Caputi, 2010. P 244). Qualitative research aims at providing a render of the broad patterns, order and structure among participants (Hennink, Hutter & Bailey, 2011).
The first step in developing the report is to review literature developed on multi-cultural competence and drawing of a detailed outline on the content of the report. Culturally relevant and ethical report writing will be achieved by ensuring inclusiveness on the role of family therapy in tackling the challenge of resistance to gang affiliation by Mexican-American adolescents. This shall be followed by a report on both significant and non-significant data results, a summary on the findings and the relevant conclusions.
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