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Demonstrating Knowledge of Scent by Analyzing Sense of Smell

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your knowledge of scent by analyzing your own sense of smell. Look at the results of the Brief Smell Identification Test and explain how you compare to the standard.

(In the file uploaded you would find my results titled "SN", you would also find a table of the standers depending on the age that would be used to compare my results to the standers. My age is 20)

Use your understanding of the perceptual process, top-down processing, and individual differences in odor processing to explain your own results on this test and what you have learned about your own sense of smell so far in the class.

The paper should be 2 pages long, formatted in APA style (12-point font, 1” margins, double-spaced lines), and in your own words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The perceptual procedure entails selecting, interpreting, and organizing information. On the other hand, top-down processing involves perceptions that start from general to more specific ones. The conclusions are heavily impacted by prior knowledge and prior information. There exist individual variations in odor processing, primarily due to differences in how the receptors work. Based on my understanding of the procedures above, I can effectively explain my knowledge of scent by analyzing my sense of smell.
Based on the data provided, my ability to sense scored 10 out of 12, with a percentile rank of 16%, which means my ability to sense is better than the 16% of other males 20-24 years who took the test. I am working in flower gardens, where I learned how pleasant odor smells. My score in the familiarity is 5.83 based on how I am used to the smell. I score 6 in familiarity and 6.42 in strength. These results do not mean I cannot sense the smell of unpleasantness. However, my effectiveness is more in detecting a pleasing scent than an unpleasant one. Here, the idea of top-down processing dramatically applies to the situation as my previous knowledge aids me in smelling the specific smell.
It is correct to say that my ability to sense pleasantness is higher than the others. The differences in the sensing ability are linked to how we differ in the olfactory receptor genes. This situation is prevalent among multiple individuals. The genetic differences indicate that when two individuals smell similar molecules, one may detect the exact ...
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