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Alternative Research on Social Psychology

Essay Instructions:

ARA Overview:

The alternative research assignment (ARA) requires you to read a number of academic journal articles, think about how they connect to human subjects research and to a topic discussed in class, and report your thoughts in an essay format.

Your articles used for reference must come from the list of articles on the following pages. All of these articles are available in full online through the University Library. These articles were chosen by the Human Subjects Committee because they were deemed to be great informative articles which will increase your awareness of human subject research.

PSY 150 Paper Requirements:

• 10 full pages (not including title page and reference page)

• 7 articles (or more!)

• 12-pt font, double spaced, 1-inch margins

• Title page with the following:

o Name o Class (PSY 150)

o Professor’s Name

o Semester Course Taken

• Reference page

o APA format preferred

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alternative Research Assignment
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Alternative Research Assignment
Social psychology is mainly concerned with the interrelationships between individuals and their social environment. The concept of social psychology focuses on studying the individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they interact with other people. Social psychology also explores how an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be influenced by society. The study of social psychology involves various topics, including attitudes, decision making, compliance, and persuasion. This paper will focus on social psychology and how it impacts people’s daily lives.
One of the main concepts outlined in social psychology is stereotyping and its impact on people's well-being. One study by Aronson, Lustina, Good, Keough, Steele, and Brown (1999) focuses on a stereotype threat when white men are considered unable to do maths. The study looked at the stereotype threat and how it can affect an individual's well-being. Stereotyping plays a major role in judging, categorizing, and treating people. The study by Aronson and his colleagues found that if the individual holds the stereotype, they will internalize it, leading to feelings of self-doubt. Stereotyping also plays a huge role in society and how people are targeted. Studies suggest that stereotyping can lead to biased behavior, which hurts the welfare of others. Therefore the rejection of stereotyping should be seen as a crucial component in achieving equality. Another study by Blakemore (2018) focused on how adolescents avoid social risk. According to the study, adolescents who are trying to avoid social risk exhibit negative body language to avoid the risk of becoming a target of the stereotype threat. The study found that adolescents who exhibit negative body language are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as alcohol consumption and drug use than those who do not. Therefore, adolescents must consider the stereotype threat's impact on society and their own lives. It is also important for adolescents to consider the stereotypes surrounding their behavior and how they can influence or limit them.
In the area of decision-making regarding social situations, social psychologists try to identify factors that are in play when an individual makes a decision. Social psychologists do this to see how individuals' thoughts are influenced by their environment. Such information is important for social policy experts. They can use the knowledge to determine how to make decisions to the advantage of a specific group in society, such as improving healthcare services for ethnic minorities and looking at ways to reduce discrimination. However, Duckworth and Seligman (2017). challenged the way decision-making in social situations has been seen in the past. Before this study, it was commonly accepted that a person's perception of their social environment would affect their decision-making. However, Duckworth and Seligman (2017) argued that individuals' decision-making skills would affect their perception of their social environment. This study can be applied to a wide range of different situations. For example, with the rise in technology and social media, it has become easier for people to shape other people's perceptions by using certain tools and creating certain images. This study is backed by Wilmer, Sherman, and Chein (2017) through their analysis of smartphones and cognition. According to this study, people's information processing on social media can be affected by the phones that they are using. With the rise in smartphones, people have more stimuli to process, leading to a more intensified level of information processing. This can lead to a boost in memory and suggestibility among smartphone users, which makes them more susceptible to stereotype threat effects. Therefore, the research findings can be used to inform society about how smartphones can impact decision-making. Social psychologists need to study how information processing affects people's decision-making so that society can have a more efficient way of living and a better quality of life.
Other areas of social psychology research include race and racial discrimination. This area of research has been highly recognized in recent years. In social psychology, racial discrimination is defined as one being treated adversely due to the color of their skin or ethnicity. It is important for people to understand better the origins of racism and how it is displayed in society. It is also important for people to understand the different factors that contribute to racism and ways to reduce it from occurring in the future. As part of this research, social psychologists have researched social stereotypes and how they lead to race-based discrimination. Such research is used to help determine how well society is progressing in equalizing people of different races. Another important area of social psychology research revolves around prejudice and discrimination. Studies on prejudice and discrimination have found that people often become prejudiced towards others, leading to racism and discrimination within society. This research can be applied to various situations in which racial or gender discrimination has occurred, including job hiring. According to a study carried out by Schmitz, Robinson, Tabler, Welch, and Rafaqut (2020) on the interpretation of stigma and mental health among LGBT communities, people with a strong social support network are less likely to experience the adverse effects of discrimination. Therefore, based on this study, it can be determined that reducing prejudice and discrimination within society will help decrease the impact of stigma and mental health among LGBT communities. Research on prejudice and discrimination has been conducted for many years. However, social psychologists need to keep researching this area to find out how prejudice and discrimination can be reduced in society.
Social psychologists use the term judgment to refer to people's decisions based on how they think an object or situation is. People use such judgments when making decisions in everyday life, such as at work or when applying for jobs online. One typical example of judgment is a person deciding whether or not it would be beneficial to steal from a shop. This example illustrates how social psychologists use the term judgment to describe people's decisions based on how they think of an object or situation. A social psychologist is interested in what influences human behavior. Understanding the behavior and thoughts of others can help make decisions that affect human behavior. A common way that social psychologists can study another's thought processes is by using psychology experiments. In these experiments, a researcher identifies a target person, also called a subject, who will be involved in the experiment. The experimenter also chooses an experimental scenario where the subject will focus their attention. The experiment is carried out so that the subject believes it to be real. Using this technique, social psychologists can gain insight into what influences human behavior and make better decisions in their everyday lives. For example, if a marketing specialist wanted to launch a new product but was not sure what kind of psychology experiment they should use, they could request the help of social psychologists who may use various experiments to decide how best to market the product.
Social psychologists who work in cognitive psychology use the term mind to describe the part of a person's brain that enables their thoughts, perceptions, and emotions to occur. It allows a person to understand what goes on in the outside world. This can include the ability to see, hear and feel. Social psychologists in this area focus on how cognitive processes contribute to human behavior. They also research how the social environment influences these processes. For example, an essential aspect of cognition is memory. Cognitive psychologists believe memory is a key component of human behavior and shapes how people think and behave in society today. Therefore, cognitive psychology is essential to social psychology because it focuses on how social factors affect human cognition and perception. Some of the other areas that cognitive psychologists focus on include language, attention, and problem-solving. Social psychologists who work in developmental psychology describe a person's growth or change throughout their lifetime. It is believed that people are constantly changing due to various factors such as changes in social situations or changes in their life such as marriage, having children, or gaining new jobs. It is also believed that people are constantly learning new things, for example, through education or the media. Developmental psychologists use research methods that involve observing the development of people in their unique envir...
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