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Defining Personality using the POE-Trait Theory

Essay Instructions:

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PSY 425: Guidelines for Personality Theory Paper Overall Structure of the Paper (Total 150 pts): Your paper should be 7-10 pages of full text and adhere to APA format (e.g., double-spaced; Times New Roman, 12-point font; 1-inch margins; in-text citation of the textbook; references page). You do not need to include a title page and abstract; however, you should include a reference page and cite your sources in the text of your paper. If you do include a title page and abstract, these are not to be counted in the page number requirement. The primary source for this assignment is our class textbook and class assignments (e.g., case studies). You also may use outside sources, just be sure that these sources are cited appropriately in APA format. Your paper must be submitted to Blackboard (in either word document or PDF format) – papers submitted in any other format and/or sent via email will not be accepted. You will include introductory paragraphs and supporting paragraphs. Please see the sections below for more details on what to include for each section of your paper. 1) Introductory Paragraphs (10 points each; 30 points total): For the introductory/opening paragraphs, you will address the following: 1.) Name and briefly describe the main points of your personality theory. That is, what are the main philosophical assumptions of your theory? ***Overall, this section is meant to summarize the main points in regards to the questions below. So, hit the highlights, and emphasize what is most important, to you, in understanding personality. (10 points) 2.) Name your theory and state a specific definition of “personality” in your theory. Tell me what you will be calling your theory, and give an actual definition. It will be easy for me to know you are defining it if you say, “My definition of personality is…” or something similar. This can consist of anything that you have created, a mix of theories that we have read, or you can use an existing definition from the text that fits best with your beliefs - just do not forget to indicate who originally said it. (10 points) 3.) Finally, tell me how the main points of your views can be integrated and/or organized to fully describe human personality. How do all of these bits and pieces fit together? How did you decide to use what you did (i.e., which theorists/theories are you using as a theoretical foundation/guide)? Did you combine some ideas? Did you leave others out? Why? (10 points) 2) Supporting Paragraphs (10 points; 120 total): For the supporting paragraphs, you should answer the 12 questions below. It might be helpful to organize these questions as separate paragraphs with headings for each question. As you answer the questions below, keep in mind that you will do the following for each question: 1.) Give a developed opinion (i.e., what you think and how your theory addresses the questions). For example, you will address why you personally prefer your theory (or aspect of this theory) and not some other perspective. Your responses should include your own opinion AND your personal reasons for having that opinion (5 of the 10 points each). ***To illustrate what I mean, you will not get points if you say that you like it because it seems like a good theory with no explanation to follow. “Liking” something is not really an opinion; instead, tell me how you feel or tell me what you really think about it: choose a side to stand for. Also, “it seems like a good theory” is too general and not a reason to justify your stance; instead, discuss what about yourself, your values and philosophical beliefs, or your life experiences, has led you to believe that this really is the case for personality development. 2.) Provide factual support (i.e., taken from the descriptions in our textbook about theorists/theories discussed this semester) for each question. Your responses should explain the facts behind your opinion (5 of the 10 points each). To demonstrate these facts please choose to provide at least one of the following: • either a brief review of the theories of others and also of the relevant research findings from the text that support your opinion. • or a discussion of what is wrong and/or missing from the fact(s) in the text that led you to take the alternative position that you did. Questions to answer in supporting paragraphs (opinion AND factual support for each question needed): • 1. What types of research methods are preferred by psychologists studying/testing your theory? Why? • 2. In what way(s) does your theory address “traits” as units of personality? Why this method? • 3. In what way(s) does your theory address the role of cognition in personality? • 4. In what way(s) does your theory address the notion of the “unconscious”? • 5. In what way(s) does your theory deal with motivational issues? • 6. How does your theory examine behaviors/social learning? • 7. Does your theory emphasize nature, nurture, or an interaction between them? • 8. In what way(s) does your theory account for developmental issue? • 9. In what ways(s) does your theory address aspects of the self? • 10. In what way(s) does your theory address the concept of gender? • 11. In what way(s) does your theory address personality disorders and adjustment? • 12. Evaluate your theory of personality. That is, is your theory a GOOD theory? What are the strengths and weakness of your theory? As you write your paper, please use the guidelines above as well as the final paper rubric (found on Blackboard). Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

POE-Trait Theory of Personality
Institutional Affiliation
POE-Trait Theory of Personality
Defining Personality using the theory
POE-trait theory defines Personality as a specific organization that shapes people's environment. However, the definition is based on three significant aspects, including psychosocial environment (P), organization (O), and environmental adjustment (E). POE-trait-theory views Personality as a system with physical and psychological elements interacting together. The theory embraces the aspect of organization due independence of different physiological systems. Lastly, environmental adjustment is defined by unique individual characteristics which change depending on the external forces or environment.
Philosophical Assumptions of the Theory
POE-trait theory is composed of different assumptions necessary while implementing the theory. The theory assumes that experience has minimal impact on one's characteristics. It identifies that an individual's behaviors depend on the present lifestyle, attitudes, motives, and interests. POE-trait theory notes that not all traits are beneficial as some may lead to specific challenges as one interact with others in a social environment. However, individuals can manage their actions to limit the adverse effects of personality traits in the natural environment. POE-trait theory emphasizes that individual should streamline their present characteristics and action to achieve a better life outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to understand Personality since it guides the overall view of the overall environment.
Human Personality
The main points of the psychosocial system, dynamic organization, and environmental adjustment fit together and effectively describes human Personality since they promote the interaction of nature and nurture, which is a root of Personality. The prominent theory that I rely on is Cattell's trait theory. The theory is essential since it uses factor analysis to describe good and bad personality traits (Woodward, 2020). Therefore, it fits my theory which also classifies traits depending on nature. I also relied on Hans Eysenck's theory since it separates the dynamic organization into biological predispositions of creating personality straits (Revelle, 2016). Therefore, the two theories rely on each other. I combined the ideas of the two theorists to describe human personality. However, I left the idea of experience because Eysenck's theory strictly focuses on the current lifestyle and motives.
Research Methods Preferred for the Theory Study
The most preferred methods for testing the theory are the self-report inventory and Eysenck Personality Inventory. A self-report inventory is a type of test in which the expert interrogates the behaviors, symptoms, and values that influence the personal traits. The theory is vital since experts can use it to factor good and bad personalities, depending on the external environment that POE integrates. Additionally, Eysenck's personality inventory is also preferred for the test since it assesses psychopathology and personality traits (Revelle, 2016). It is preferred since psychologists can understand individuals with mental issues by separating their traits into the social and psychological environment. Therefore, it creates a better understanding of three components of Personality, including the environment, psychosocial system, and trait organization.
The POE-Trait Theory and Units of Personality
The theory addresses traits as personality units since it focuses on specific traits. Hans Eysenck's theory focused on particular traits, including stability, neuroticism, extraversion, and introversion (Revelle, 2016). Extraverts tend to interact and associate in different environments, while introverts do not readily associate. On the other hand, an individual neuroticism trait tends to be stable. In my theory, I will combine extrovert traits and stability and introvert with neuroticism. The method is essential since the extraverts tend to be stable; therefore, extraversion and stability are similar. Besides, introverts tend to be unstable due to their inability to adjust to the environment. Therefore, neuroticism and introversion are identical. Addressing traits as a unit of Personality is necessary since they can be measured and tested. It becomes easy to predict one's behavior based on their traits.
The POE-Trait Theory and Cognition
Eysenck's theory heavily emphasizes cognitive performance. For instance, it emphasizes that introverts do not need stimulation for higher cognitive performance while extroverts need constant stimulation (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). Based on Eysenck's ideology, my theory stresses the significance of cognition on Personality. My theory notes that personalities positively impact cognition. For instance, an individual growing in an environment of extraverts may have high motivational capacity due to consistent stimulation. On the other hand, an individual who thrives in a group of introverts is likely to show less external motivation towards achieving their needs. Therefore, cognitive growth depends on the traits.
The POE-Trait Theory and the Unconscious
Unconsciousness is the inability of an individual to respond to specific activities appropriately. The evidence is based on the theory's ability to group the t...
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