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Critical Thinking Reflection Psychology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Find three credible sources that discuss critical thinking. One source should be from the assigned and/or optional readings, (Topic 1 study materials), and the other two should be found through your own research from within the library. Read the three sources and consider how they define critical thinking.

Here is the source to use:


In 300-500 words, define critical thinking and expand on what skills are needed to work through the critical thinking process and/or how critical thinking is enhanced. Keep the following guidelines in mind:

The sources you found in your research may influence your definition, but your own ideas should be evident. In other words, your process should be:

a) Read some definitions and descriptions of critical thinking;

b) Comprehend or digest the information; and

c) create a synthesized definition of critical thinking.

Paraphrasing is preferred. Include an in-text citation whenever paraphrasing or using a direct quote. Keep direct quotes between 0-3 per essay.

A reference page that documents the three sources you found (and any other resources you used) is required. Remember, all sources must be cited both in-text and on your reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a widely accepted concept touted as crucial in obtaining positive results. It is a crucial tool that an individual can critique, identify, and distinguish an effect by evidence. The idea of critical thinking has often been a bone of contention, with several competing definitions being brought up. These concepts differ concerning scope, goal, criteria, and values concerning careful thinking and the component on which they focus. Various definitions of critical thinking have come about when scrutinizing much critical thinking literature.
Stanovich & Stanovich, (2010) proposes that critical thinking be grounded in the concept of rationality, which is understood to fit a person's feelings to the world and optimizing the fulfillment of goals. They then describe a critical thinker as; 'someone with the "capacity to override responses from the autonomous mind." The authors further indicate that critical thinking must be logical and objective, coming from given proof, without influence from own feelings or opinions. Scriven, (1996) also asserts that “critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluation of information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” We can gather that according to Scriven, the notion of critical thinking must come from the analyses of information by imagining and integrating through observation and practice. Angelo, (1995) also designates critical thinking as the deliberate utilization of judicious, higher-order rational abilities like analysis, synthesis, problem recognition and problem-solving, inference, and evaluation. Consequently, from the above descriptions, it can be concluded that critical thinking comprises the use of logical thought and in-depth dissection of evidence, through analyzing and discussing cases, views, and other concerns. A person may decide to examine previous beliefs in connection with facts in the precept of a deeper understanding and coming up with new informatio...
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