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Bio-Psychology Question Two. Psychology Assignment.

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The suggested textbook is:

Introduction to Biopsychology. By John P. J. Pinel (Author).

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Question 2

(a) Provide a detailed definition of the bio-ecological model’s micro-system.

(5 marks)

(b) Demonstrate how THREE (3) factors in the micro-system can promote the literacy of pre-school children.

(15 marks)

(c) Critically examine TWO (2) ways that social workers can apply to enhance the literacy of pre-school children from low-income families.

(10 marks)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bio-Psychology Question Two
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Bio-Psychology Question Two
1 Bio-ecological Model’s Micro-system
The bio-ecological theory of development was formulated by Urie Bronfenbrenner. According to this theory human development is a product of his interaction with various environmental aspects. These environmental aspects are divided into several systems that include the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, the macrosystem, and the chronosystem. The microsystem settings refer to the immediate environment in which people live. They include a person’s family, friends, relatives, classmates, and workmates. People interact with these individuals directly and according to the theory, these interactions help to construct the environment, which in turn shapes how individuals behave. Therefore, the type of people that person interacts with shape their development.
2 Micro-System Factors That Can Promote The Literacy Of Pre-School Children
A microsystem comprises of several factors that shape a child’s development. As Pinel (2014) notes, there are several other factors besides genes that influence one’s development. Some of these factors belong to the microsystems, three of these include family, school, and the neighborhood.
* Family is the first factor that shapes a child’s development. Children begin to develop their social skills at home, in which they interact with family and also learn how to interact with other people. These children treat the environment in the same manner that their parents treat it. Children who grow up with a lot of love from their families easily trust other people and tend to be more social compared to those who grow in harsh families.
* Schools play a significant role in shaping a child’s development by serving as a social microcosm of the broader...
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