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Critically discuss the environmental, psychological and biological risk factors for psychosis.

Essay Instructions:

Sources must be psychology journal.

At least 5 source.

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Critically Discuss the Environmental, Psychological and Biological Risk Factors for Psychosis
Critically Discuss the Environmental, Psychological and Biological Risk Factors for Psychosis
Psychosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal or impaired relationship with reality. This is a major symptom that signify the presence of a chronic mental condition. People with the disorder usually experience hallucinations and delusions. Hallucination are sensory experiences that take place during the absence of actual stimulus. This can be demonstrated when an individual hears their mother shouting at them even when the mother is never around. This is called an auditory hallucination. There are other forms of hallucination, such as visual, where an individual sees something in front when there is nothing in reality. People suffering from psychosis also demonstrate experiences, feelings, thoughts that are against the evidence that can be demonstrated in reality. It must be noted these experiences are usually frightening and can lead a person behaving in an abnormal way.
There are various symptoms that can be associated with a psychotic person. In some instances, the people suffering from the condition can harm themselves or other people around them. When such issues arise, it is essential to see a seek medical attention, or when you have someone close suffering from these symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention on their behalf. Some of the symptoms you can note to understand whether someone is suffering from psychosis include depressed mood, poor concentration, lack of sleep or too much sleep, anxiety, delusions, withdrawal, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, suspiciousness, and poor and disorganized speech.
While understanding these symptoms is important, knowing the risk factors for the conditions is of greater benefit. What are main causes of psychosis? What factors lead to the conditions? There are both environmental, psychological, and biological risk factors that can lead to the occurrence of the condition. These factors combine and contribute to the overall occurrence of the condition. When someone possesses more than one risk factor, the likelihood of being psychotic increases. The essay aims to critically discuss the risk factors for psychosis.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors have ben known to be major contributors in psychotic disorder. This can happen in any stage of one’s life. Some of the environmental factor leading to psychotic disorder happen shortly after birth. They influence the neurodevelopmental process of a child, and thereby increasing the risk for being psychotic. The environmental risks usually work with genetic factors to enhance the occurrence of this condition. The first risk factor is obstetric complication, which was proposed as a causative factor in psychosis (A Schlosser et al., 2012). There is a strong relationship between birth trauma and occurrence of psychosis. Some of the factors that occur in the environment and lead to the condition include delivery complication and low birth weights influence neurodevelopmental process. Another important environmental factor is season of birth and role of infection (Stilo et al., 2011). People born during early spring or during winter in the northern hemisphere are more likely to suffer from psychosis. Moreover, when there is exposure to infections such as influenza during pregnancy also increases the risk for developing the disorder. This is because the development process is affected. There are also associations between chi...
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