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Critical Essay: Is psychiatric diagnosis useful? Critique the interplay of social, cultural, and political forces that influence psychiatric diagnosis.

Essay Instructions:
The idea is that you reach a clear conclusion in the debate on psychiatric diagnosis- is it necessary and useful, or unnecessary and not very useful? Try to write in a way that persuades the reader to adopt your position, backing your assertions up with research evidence throughout the writing. You should restrict your critique to no more than 2-4 points in order to allow an in-depth analysis of each of them. You can focus the essay either on (i) a specific psychiatric diagnosis, or (ii) psychiatric diagnosis more generically.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Importance of Psychiatric Diagnosis in Mental Health Care and the Influence of Social and Political Factors on Diagnosis Student Name Institution Professor Name Course Date Importance of Psychiatric Diagnosis in Mental Health Care and the Influence of Social and Political Factors on Diagnosis Diagnostic classification is still one of the most debated issues in the realm of mental health. There is a discussion as to whether such diagnoses are helpful and essential or not beneficial or needed. This essay seeks to posit that despite the many criticisms that have been levelled against it and the fact that social, cultural, and political factors play a massive role in the process, a psychiatric diagnosis is necessary and has positive impacts on mental health care (Sheldon et al., 2021). The critique will focus on the following three main points. The use of diagnosis in identifying patients’ mental health disorders that require treatment, the use of diagnosis in affirming and making meaning of patients’ experiences, and the influence of social and political factors on diagnosis. Necessity of Psychiatric Diagnosis for Treatment and Intervention Diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders offer a systematic way of assessing people with mental health problems. It is essential for clinicians and patients since the symptoms can be systematically categorised, thus providing direction to interventions and treatment (Pedrelli et al., 2015). Therefore, developing the right treatment plan and interventions that suit the client is nearly impossible without an accurate diagnosis. These include the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which provide a framework through which healthcare professionals can have a common language and ensure they use the best practices in diagnosing and treating mental disorders (Pedrelli et al., 2015). It helps give the patients the proper treatment, whether pharmacological or psychotherapeutic or even a combination of the two, thus improving the quality of treatment and the results. Furthermore, the distinction of clear diagnostic categories assists in forming specific research studies and enhancing mental health information, which can consequently assist patient care and better treatment for various mental disorders. Standardisation of Treatment Protocols Diagnosis is a crucial factor, so the treatment processes for mental disorders must take a standard form, and this is why the DSM is essential in the field of psychiatry. DSM and ICD are two primary diagnostic tools that guide the diagnosis of mental disorders, with DSM providing a more significant number of guidelines for diagnosis (Aguirre Velasco et al., 2020). This set of criteria helps clinicians worldwide have a common language whereby they can describe mental health disorders, improving the current knowledge, location, and culture of the conditions. Therefore, The DSM and ICD remain the central guides clinicians must apply when diagnosing and categorising mental disorders based on symptom clusters and the criteria (Aguirre Velasco et al., 2020). It makes it easier to come up with a standardised diagnosis of the diseases since many people are likely to make the diagnosis through improvisation, leading to different conclusions regarding the same symptoms (Aguirre Velasco et al., 2020). Patients can easily be diagnosed, which is essential in countering the issue. The tools help set up research-informed practice protocols and clinical research trials. When clinicians have identified the patient with a specific disorder, they can use guidelines for a particular disorder that have already been established and have gone through clinical practice trials (Bonabi et al., 2016). The fact that there is consistency in the kind of treatment approach that is being offered to patients implies that the patients will only be subjected to such interventions which have been proven to work in order to enhance their success rates. In light of the above-stated literature, it has been identified that there are benefits to implementing protocol-based care. For instance, Bonabi et al. (2016) noted that despite criticisms, the DSM and ICD classifications are essential in developing research and clinical practice since they afford empirical treatments. These frameworks assist researchers in designing the studies that would identify which treatments are effective in managing various diseases, thus improving the overall therapeutic strategies for patients. Tailoring Individual Treatment Plans Identifying the disease in the patient is very important so that the treatment given will be relevant to the patient. In this case, when a clinician has correctly identified a mental health disorder, the clinician is in a better position to determine the best way to handle the patient depending on the symptoms the patient is likely to develop or the challenges the patient is likely to face (Ng & Weisz, 2015). This action makes treatment more specific and, hence, more successful. For instance, a patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) may require a multimodal treatment plan that entails both drug and talk therapies. Pharmacotherapy can help reduce the disease’s biological manifestations, including changes in mood and energy (Ng & Weisz, 2015). At the same time, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can target psychological factors, including distorted thinking and behaviour. These combined treatments have proved more effective than individual treatments since they provide a complete and effective treatment for MDD. Diagnosis helps to minimise cases whereby patients are subjected to various medications and treatments before the right one is determined to treat their mental health conditions. If the condition is not well defined, the physician may have to try out the various treatment options that may be available to get one that will be effective in the management of the symptoms of the patient, thus subjecting the patient to a lot of pain and discomfort and could also be costly (Myin-Germeys et al., 2016). A correct diagnosis means the clinician can choose the most effective treatment strategies from the start, and the patient can get much quicker relief from their symptoms. Further, the treatment plans developed for the patients are flexible, and the care provided may be altered as the patient progresses through treatment (Myin-Germeys et al., 2016). This way, clinicians can adapt the treatment plan to the patient’s needs as their status changes based on the interim evaluations and monitoring. It is especially so when it comes to chronic mental illnesses and the process of recovery; it is crucial to use a continuous and patient-specific treatment approach. Role of Diagnosis in Validating and Understanding Patient Experiences Diagnosis is crucial in supporting and explaining a patient’s subjective perceptions of mental health issues. In this way, they assist people suffering from mental disorders to look for some reason behind the symptoms and the situations they go through (Faulkner, 2017). This validation reduces stigma and self-blame among patien...
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