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The Criminal Justice Psychology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

CCJ 2020 Policy Paper

Instructions and Guidelines

A typewritten 8-10 page paper is required. The subject of the paper must be related to Criminal Justice. You can cite cases, or any other type of publication.

The paper must:

• be double-spaced

• use 1.25 inch margins

• use Times New Roman, 12 point type

It should include:

• a title page

• an introduction

• a body of paragraphs with subheadings

• a conclusion

• a reference page with 10 to 15 cited works

Of the total works cited, half should be from academic journals or books published by an academic press. Works cited and the references should be in APA format (details of the APA format can be found at http://www(dot)docstyles(dot)com).

*The title page and the reference page do not count toward the 8-10 page requirement.

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for title page he wants it title at the top of the page and for the writing to start 4 spaces downb

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Criminal Justice
Author Name
University Name
The criminal justice system is a series of government institutions and agencies that aim to identify unlawful people. Officers providing their services in this regard work hard and devote themselves fully to the welfare and betterment of the country. They intend to catch criminals as soon as possible and inflict punishments on them based on the nature of their crimes. Their other main goals are the prevention of crimes, moral for victims and the rehabilitation of offenders. There are three main parts of a criminal justice system: law enforcement agencies, courts along with defense lawyers and prosecution, and agencies supervising or detaining offenders such as probation institutions and prisons (Flynn & Freiberg, 2018). In the criminal justice system, all of these agencies operate together, and their mission is to provide people with utmost safety, security, and protection. There are eight main factors that are taken into consideration while compiling the WJP Rule of Law Index: absence of corruption, basic human rights, the openness of governments, constraints on the power of governments, regulatory enforcement, criminal justice systems, civil justice, and order and security. All of them are meant to measure the effectiveness of a criminal justice system on both local and international levels. For example, if the police are not performing their duties with honesty, it may directly impact the entire criminal justice system of the country where they live and work. As a result, the number of crimes may increase, and the issue of corruption may take a serious form. Similarly, the openness of governments is all about measuring the quality and reliability of information presented by officials. If, for example, they do not present authentic data to the public or hide the truth from them, then it may create restlessness among the citizens and can lead to an increased number of crimes. The chance is that people will come to the streets and protest against the government until or unless they are not provided with the needful. The fact is that every country has its specific criminal justice system, which may or may not come up with the expectations of immigrants.
The Netherlands
The criminal justice system of the Netherlands is one of the best in the world. This country is known for its transparent court system, and the international criminal court is responsible for handling all basic and sophisticated cases (Johnson et al. 2015). The government tries its best to solve crime-related cases within a few days and ensures the provision of justice to the innocent. The Netherlands adheres to high tribunal standards in its judicial system. Here judges are allowed to perform their duties independently. The Netherlands has only ten to thirteen judges per 100,000 residents, and it takes them up to 80 days to handle a single trial or to resolve the case.
Just like the Netherlands, the criminal justice system of Sweden is fair enough. The courts of this country are governed by an executive branch of the government, known as the Ministry of Justice. It should be noticed that the Swedish courts are independent and free, meaning they can pass judgments on their own and do not need the permission of the government or a politician before concluding something regarding any case (Johnson et al. 2015). The Swedish judges are given a free hand to handle as many cases as they want, but they have to ensure transparent decisions and justice. Another noticeable aspect of the justice system of Sweden is its criminal reform outlook. The government and citizens believe that it is incorrect to punish the prisoners unnecessarily. Instead, they are provided with all basic facilities: medical assistance, educational facilities, food, and others. With the passage of time, the incarceration rate in Sweden has been reduced to an extent.
Finland’s criminal justice system is operated with a sophisticated three-tier, dual court system. Just like Sweden, a centrally administrated body handles most of the operations of the courts. However, it does not mean they are kept from taking the right decisions or favoring the victims (Johnson et al. 2015). In fact, judges are allowed to oversee different criminal cases and to get the proofs verified through a number of ways before favoring a party or announcing their decision. The Ministry of Justice can enforce sentence, punishment or draft legislation without bringing the matter to the judges’ notice. The Constitution of Finland ensures that the judges will always remain independent. They are even allowed to act anonymously in order to ensure their own safety and protection. Finland is considered a consensus democracy; here, all the decisions are consulted amongst its stakeholders.
The judiciary of Norway is independent and has been divided into executive and legislative branches (Dirienzo & Das, 2017). The overall criminal justice system of Norway is stable, reliable and effective. Most prominently, it is known for its prisoner reform program that aims to provide prisoners with necessary training so that they could earn a living once their punishment period is over. In addition, the citizens are provided with free l...
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