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Coping with a Lot of Stress and Negative Emotions

Essay Instructions:

Think about a time when you experienced a lot of stress and negative emotions at work or school (it does not necessarily have to relate to a moral problem). Answer the following questions:

1. What happened?

2. How, if at all, did you cope with the stress?

3. What coping methods, if any, worked?

4. What coping methods, if any, did not work?

5. Describe at least 2 immediate ways in which you could cope with stress and negative emotions when facing moral dilemmas at work.

6. Describe at least 2 routine habits that can help you cope with stress and negative emotions at work.


The following reading describes the scope of work-related stress and suggest ways to cope with it. Your journal entry will require you to talk about how you cope with stress, so I recommend that you review the entry’s questions before going through the reading (select journal entry from the lesson navigation menu).

American Psychological Association. (2018). Coping with stress at work. Retrieved from http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/helpcenter/work-stress.aspx (read all 2 pages)

Sometimes work-related stress is particularly high. Read about how one person coped with this kind of stress. Even though you may cope differently, this reading also may help you complete your journal entry (select journal entry from the lesson navigation menu).

Clinton, H. R. (2017). Grit and gratitude (pp. 16-35). In H. R. Clinton, What Happened. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. (read all 20 pages)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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When I got my first job, I found myself experiencing stress barely a month into the organization. I was working as a customer care agent of a startup company where I was expected to receive and place clients’ calls, maintain customer relationships, and handle their concerns. A month into the place, I discovered that I was dealing with a lot of stress. I was working under extreme time pressure and expected to deliver accordingly. I was supposed to handle complex problems while also dealing with rude clients. The workload was excessive since the organization was understaffed.
Initially, I had challenges coping with stress. I tried to avoid the problem, hoping that it was a matter of time and would end. However, the more I avoided the issue, the more I got stressed. During the second month, I realized that my performance was deteriorating because of the immense pressure I was experiencing. This is the point I decided to seek help from a colleague. She advised me that I needed to develop various coping mechanisms to deal with the stress.
I established boundaries between work and personal life to deal with the stress. I realized that unless I separated work from family, I would continue experiencing burnout. I made a rule that I would not attend to emails past office hours. I also told my supervisor to employ another customer care representative to ensure that I do not have to answer calls past office hours. This helped me to maintain a balance between work and family. Furthermore, I would exercise daily, especially in the morn...
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