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Self-Reassessment on Interest in Acupuncture Occupational Therapy

Essay Instructions:


The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on where you are in the processes of career exploration and professional development compared to where you were in ITM and at the start of BEH 101 and 102.

General Instructions

Your first assignment this semester is to look back on the first assignments you have submitted for each of the seminar courses leading up to this course and submit a career exploration and professional development status statement. Please write your statement in essay format, save it with the file name indicated above, and post it to the OneNote page identified above. If you have trouble posting the assignment to OneNote, send it to me (Dr. Spencer) by email as a Word document.

Essay prompt

Please tell me about your current occupational interest.

If you have one specific occupation in mind, tell me what interests you about the occupation, the courses you have taken to prepare for that occupation, the experiences you have had (jobs, internships, volunteering) that have helped prepare you for that occupation, and what knowledge and skills you need to develop while an undergraduate to prepare for that occupation.

If you have more than one specific occupation in mind, tell me what interests you about each occupation, what you know about each occupation, the experiences you have had (courses, jobs, internships, volunteering) that have reinforced your interests in these occupations, and what you think you need to do to figure out which occupation to pursue.

If you don't have a clear occupational goal yet, tell me what interests you (e.g., courses, topics, activities) and how you think you would like to spend your days at work (e.g., focusing on one or two tasks all day, multi-tasking, working independently, working collaboratively, talking, writing, reading, sitting, standing ... anything about how you envision yourself spending your days at work).

Provide any other information you would like to include to fill me in on where you are in the process of career exploration and professional development.

Essay expectations

o The essay will begin with a topic sentence that introduces the reader to the essay and includes your intended profession (or a statement to indicate you have not yet chosen a profession).

o Your essay will be written with a professional tone (i.e., with an appropriate level of formality that is reflected in word choice and sentence structure).

o Because this essay is about you and your perspective, you will write in first-person.

o Someone outside of this course should be able to understand your essay without having to read the assignment prompt first. In other words, your essay should not be a string of responses to the questions above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Reassessment: Acupuncture Occupational Therapy
Student’s Full Name
Department, Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Full Name
Due Date
Self-Reassessment: Acupuncture Occupational Therapy
I have had a massive interest in Acupuncture as it is applied in occupational therapy since I believe it is an area that is understudied and under-practiced but has enormous potential. I became interested in Acupuncture since my family comes from a long line of traditional acupuncture specialists. Therefore, I was naturally curious to understand and learn how to apply it. On the other hand, occupational therapy incorporates many methods focusing on the psychological, physical, and socio-cultural elements of the subject. I probed and found that Acupuncture has become one of the effective methods applied within occupational therapy to improve the wellness and functionality of patients. My interest in the subject is due to my curiosity, family background, and my understanding of what occupational therapy and Acupuncture would benefit people by improving outcomes and quality of life.
I have done a lot to give myself the motivation and readiness to excel in the field. First, I have studied psychology and understand the importance of the wellness of people on their general functionality. The major psychology program has provided me with the foundations of knowledge that I feel would be perfect in preparing me for the future. At the same time, I have been a curious person both through my significant and general knowledge. I have carri...
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