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CogLab Report: Importance of Particular Shapes in Basic Effect

Essay Instructions:

Please provide detailed answers to the following questions in essay format (NO bullet point responses). Once you have finalized your paper, submit it to the “CogLab Report Submission” portal 

1. Are the particular shapes in this experiment important for the basic effect?

2. What does it mean to give a “correct” response on a trial?

3. What is being learned in statistical learning? How does it compare to learning from a textbook?

4. Examine Related Research: Pick one of these research articles listed below, read it and respond in detail to the following points.

 What was the research’s primary goal and how is it related to this CogLab topic?

 Provide a relatively brief summary of the research. Identify the most important hypotheses. Describe the primary methods employed (e.g. fMRI, EEG, change detection task, etc.). What were the most relevant results and conclusions?

 Identify the key implications of the research’s finding with respect to this CogLab topic.

 Situate these findings within the broader context of cognitive psychology.

 Critically evaluate the study. Is the design strong/valid? Are there critical limitations that the authors do not address? If so, explain the impact of those limitations. Do the authors answer key questions posed in the introduction section? Are their claims supported by the data/results?

Article options

Denison, S. & Xu, F. (2010). Integrating physical constraints in statistical inference by 11- month-old infants. Cognitive Science, 34, 885-908.

Hay, J. F., Pelucchi, B., Estes, K. G. & Saffran, J. R. (2011). Linking sounds to meanings: Infant statistical learning in a natural language. Cognitive Psychology, 63, 93-106.

Turk-Browne, N. B, Jungé, J. A. & Scholl, B. J. (2005). The automaticity of visual statistical learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 134, 552-564.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CogLab Report
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Professor’s Name
October 2, 2022
1 Are the particular shapes in this experiment important for the basic effect?
Researchers must remember that studying the early stages of a human being is critical because this is the most significant portion of any life. Because the baby's overall control of their body and brain development occurs during the first two years of their infant, numerous psychological disorders can occur during this stage that is not obvious until they reach a sufficient age. As a result, numerous research studies have been conducted to clarify further this critical stage of the infant's mental and physical development. Further research indicates that infants as young as 12 can be affected. At the age of five, children may make statistical differences and calculate such information.
In line with the research, the particular shapes that were used in the experiment were not as important as their sequence during the experiment. This is because of the fact that the sequence of the shapes would help the mind create statistical inferences about which object would come next. In one research conducted by Denison and Xu (2010) he integrated physical constraints in statistical inference by 11- month-old infants. They studied the statistical inference of infants as young as 11 months old when subjected to such a sample population as simple things that can be classified as different from each other. (1) The shape of an object is not to be considered in the research conducted because the main goal of the research experiment is to know whether an infant can distinguish immovable objects from not and gain enough experience to work around the given challenges. It makes no difference if the shape of the thing varies as long as the study's primary goal is the immobility of an object regardless of its shape or size.
2 What does it mean to give a “correct” response on a trial?
In the video, giving a correct reaction to the trial, or in this example, a correct explanation of what happened at the said experiment because the infant is simply doing what they want to do at the time. Giving unbiased or proper responses is vital since it lends credibility to the research and provides real-world solutions. Unbiased feedback is defined as "fair, just, impartial, and constructive criticism and recommendations about an individual or team performance" ("Unbiased Feedback: Why It Matters"). Furthermore, unbiased feedback is given without bias and gives people the information they need to improve, do their best, and prosper in their careers. Applying this to the researcher, revealing the actual results of the research will assist them in improving their methods of doing it in the future.
3 What is being learned in statistical learning? How does it compare to learning from a textbook?
Statistical learning is based on data obtained on the spot or through other people's replies, as opposed to a textbook where the aim and primary information of the said textbook are already specified, implying that the learning outcomes of th...
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