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Becoming a Counselor: Personal and Professional Traits of a Counselor

Essay Instructions:

Developing a counselor identity that reflects your own personality as well as your ideas about human behavior and healing is a critical aspect of becoming a psychotherapist. In this section, write a learning plan that outlines what goals you have for yourself in this course in relation to learning about different theories of counseling and incorporating them into an emerging professional identity. Also outline what personal and professional traits of a counselor will be important for you to focus on and build in this course. The assignment should be one to two pages and can be uploaded as a Word document.


****The 1 source used will be coming from the book Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (tenth edition ) by Gerald Corey- chapter 2 The counselor: Person and Professional. I will be adding pages from this chapter relating to this reflection paper topic

**** the paper should discuss the mentions of anxieties that could be experienced by a new counselor and the burnouts and points of being an effective counselor and which, me as a person would experience and think would need working on. as well as which qualifications I think I would have.

**** The section ( dealing with anxiety! #1) included in the files attached ( avoiding perfectionism #2) ( Becoming aware of your countertransference) ( maintaining your Vitality as a person and as a professional#3 ) Are the areas that Made me thing about for the future and the areas I think would be the majority of where I would need to work on and will be facing.

**** ( Sense of Humor), Sharing responsibility and Developing my own counseling style, understanding silence, being honest about my limitations and Being my self and self disclosure in areas which I think would be some of my qualifications.

!Only cite the Book!

***100% original***

I will be providing the attachments for the citation and information needed.

any questions let me know.

In the paper, you should provide your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory, how well it integrates into your personal and professional identity as a counselor, and whether or not you think it is a theory that resonates with you for future clinical practice. You can also provide a brief review of the theory as part of your reaction/analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper on Becoming a Counselor
Student's Name
Reflection Paper on Becoming a Counselor
My goal during this course is to attain the qualities of a professional counselor and be proficient in dealing with drawbacks that come with the career. My principal aim as a counselor aligns with the primary objective of any qualified professional counselor: to assist my clients in achieving their optimal level of psychosocial functioning. The optimal level is attained through resolving patterns, rehabilitation, prevention, and improving the client's quality of life.
There are fundamental professional and personal traits that counselors need to be equipped with to achieve their mandates at both the professional and personal levels. Effective counselors need to be sincere, honest, and authentic. Therapists need to know who they are in person and not hide behind facades and rigid roles that come with their profession. Effective counselors must also be open to change (Corey, 2020). A skilled therapist must possess a deep awareness of multicultural concerns and flexibility in clinical practice. Because each client's experience, history, and involvement in the therapeutic relationship will change, being able to switch from one perspective to another, dependent on each client, is a skill that should be learned early on. The therapists show courage and willingness to abandon the safe closet of the known and make hard decisions for the greater good of their clients and profession.
Additionally, good therapists need to exhibit some sense of humor. Counselors should not forget how to laugh, especially at their contradictions and foibles. Counselors listen to some upsetting, challenging, and often horrific stories. However, it is acceptable for clients and therapists to chuckle along the process. Regarding this kind of thing, timing is crucial, but understanding how to create a relational connection with someon...
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