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Essay Instructions:
For this week’s Assignment, you will take an important first step toward completing your Final Project. You will select a case and a topic related to that case on which to focus for your Final Project. Then, you will explain why this case and topic are of interest to you. Review this week’s Learning Resources related to person-first writing to help you develop your writing skills for the Final Project. Use the “Course Paper Template (APA 7),” found in this week’s Learning Resources, for this Assignment. Select the case study and related topic you would like to examine: Case #1: Jodi Arias (Convicted of killing her boyfriend) Topic A: Battered Woman Syndrome Topic B: Narcissism and Risk for Violence Topic C: Similarities to Other Death Penalty Cases Case #2: Omar Mateen (PULSE nightclub shooter) Topic A: Mass Shootings Topic B: Hate Crimes Topic C: Risk Assessment Case #3: Elizabeth Smart (Child victim of abduction and prolonged confinement) Topic A: Psychological Effects of Kidnapping Topic B: Stockholm Syndrome Topic C: Investigating With Victims Case #4: Derek Chauvin (Former law enforcement officer convicted of the murder of George Floyd) Topic A: Use of Excessive Force Topic B: Race Disparity in Arrests and Convictions Topic C:Protests, Safety, and Social Change Assignment (1–2 pages) Identify the case study and topic that you have selected. Next, briefly explain why you chose this case study. Also, briefly explain why you chose the specific topic related to it.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Case and Topic Selection For Final Project Student Name Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University COURSE XX: Title of Course Instructor Name Month XX, 202X Case and Topic Selection For Final Project Derek Chauvin’s case study and his conviction for murdering George Floyd remains an emotive issue and a trigger for many Americans over the persistent police brutality. As a result, choosing this case is essential to reflect on the events that occurred and overemphasize the importance of exposing and discouraging such conduct by law enforcement officers. Accounts by different researchers, including Ellison (2021), describe the events that transpired during Floyd’s death as traumatizing, unacceptable, and a depiction of the rot in the enforcement of laws in the nation. Remembering Floyd’s hopeless pleas to the police officers for over nine minutes that he could not breathe without any sympathy further ignites the need to continue exposing any officers misusing their position and weapons to perpetrate concealed crimes against suspects. Thus, selecting this case raises concerns over the legally permitted use of force that can quickly escalate to excessive force. Excessive Use of Force The law allows police officers to exercise force cautiously while apprehending suspects as a form of defense. According to Green and Peneff (2022), the International Association of Chiefs of Police defines this concept as the “amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject.” In this context, the officers interpret and determine the force they believe is reasonable based on their circumstances. Such aspects have left this issue muddled with obscurities and uncertainties because of the absence of a quantifiable threshold for determining acceptable and excessive forc...
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