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Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach

Essay Instructions:

This essay needs to be long enough to get the job done thoroughly.

Writing, in-text citations and references should be in APA format. For example, (Lally & Valentine-French, 2017).

*You must cover everything listed below in order to obtain a high mark.

Note: For all written assignments, only the material assigned in the course should be cited. Show evidence of thoroughly reading and listening to the course resources. This is preferable to outside research. If you also provide additional resources, they will be graded on their scholarly credibility; that means sources of questionable truth may result in a lower grade on the essay and sources of good credibility may result in a higher grade.

*My Course material: Lally, M., & Valentine-French, S. (2017). Lifespan development: A psychological perspective.

(I'm African American, My parents divorced when I was 5)

There are 2 parts to this essay.


Think of only one age (between the ages of 5 and 16) in your childhood

Use Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological approach to development (Chapter 1 in Lally & Valentine-Fench text), to place yourself in a fairly complete developmental context. Write about the following five systems. (label which level you are talking about when writing your essay):

An adapted illustrated model of a Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory... | Download Scientific Diagram

Microsystem: Describe:

Your family at that time

Your school and teacher at that time

Your peer group at that time

Your surrounding community at that time

Mesosystem: Describe:

How your parents interacted with your peers at that time

How your parents interacted with your school and teacher at that time

Whether your parents helped with schoolwork at that time

How your community supported your school or activities (e.g., sports)

Exosystem: Describe:

Your parents' jobs

Vacations you took

Whether there was a divorce in your family

Macrosystem: Describe:

Your ethnic heritage

Your religious affiliations

Your social class (e.g., poor, working-class, middle-class, wealthy)

What was going on in the world at the time (e.g. Vietnam War, who was president of the United States, destruction of the Berlin Wall, etc.)

Chronosystem: Describe:

How did a single historical event or gradual historical changes going on at that time affect your development at that time. Look up events on the internet. (or if there was more than one single historical event write about each one) (for example: supreme court decisions, wars, economics, the change in the number of women who worked outside the home; a change in the types of jobs available; a change from having no television to having television). You may research this event.


Using another developmental theory besides Bronfenbrenner's, explain how the theory applies to you at that time in your childhood.

The written assignment is intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. The intent of the written assignment is to provide an opportunity to more fully describe, explain, and analyze the books and other sources.

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Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach

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Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach

Part 1: Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach

Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory provides a framework for studying the influences of human development. In this essay, I will focus on my life at age five since it marks a crucial stage. The various systems under Bronfenbrenner’s theory are discussed below regarding how they impacted my life.


The microsystem comprises an individual’s setting and those with direct and significant contact with the individual. Such individuals often include parents and siblings (Lally & Valentine-French, 2017). At age 5, my parents divorced, significantly reducing my contact with each of them. Moving to and from both parents meant I shared less time with my father and more time with my mother. The only significant peer group was the kids I played with at school. At kindergarten, the teacher was also a regular point of contact, which made the most impact on my life. The closeness with my teacher at school seemed to fill the gaps left by the broken family after the divorce.


The mesosystem comprises the broader organizational structures, including the family, school, and religion. These institutions significantly affect one’s growth, sense of accomplishment, and self-image, which involve physical, cognitive, and emotional development (Lally & Valentine-French, 2017). At age 5, only my mother made tangible interactions with peers, especially during play dates that formed most of the community activities. There was also

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