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Classical Conditioning Theory and Its Contributions to Learning/Behavior

Essay Instructions:

The first half of your paper should summarize the theory of the topic and its contributions to learning/behavior. The second half of your paper should consist of your personal response to the theory, for example, how have you observed the theory in learning throughout your own life, how do you see the theory's application today, and do you think this theory is applicable.

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Classical Conditioning Theory Reflection Paper
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Summary of Theory and Contributions to Learning/Behavior
Classical conditioning can be conceptualized via a schematic depiction where a conditioned stimulus (CS) generates a conditioned response (CR) in the context where this stimulus is repeatedly represented simultaneously with an unconditioned stimulus (US) that intrinsically produces an unconditional response (UR) (Eelen, 2018). In other words, classical conditioning is a learning archetype that happens when a neutral stimulus is linked to a stimulus that evokes an inherent response. For example, when an individual hears a bell ring each time they receive food, they will ultimately salivate when they hear the bell, even without being presented with the good. In this case, the bell becomes the CS that triggers a CR.
Classical conditioning has significant contributions to learning and behavior. Rehman et al. (2023) define learning as the process of acquiring and developing new behaviors, knowledge, ideas, and attitudes. Learning can happen in both conscious and unconscious ways. Classical conditioning can be conceptualized as an unconscious learning approach as automatic and conditioned responses are paired with particular stimuli. There are various clinically relevant applications of classical conditioning to learning. For example, reformed drug users typically develop a craving when exposed to drug-related environments or around individuals that they associate with previous experiences using drugs. In this vein, drug psychiatrists typically advise individuals to avoid such settings as they might trigger the desire to retake drugs. In addition, counterconditioning is also a learning approach used to cure phobias by pairing the trigger stimulus with an opposite response to fear. Two counterconditioning models, including aversive and exposure therapy, prove increasingly effective in this dimension. Exposure therapy exposes people to a stimulus that scares them and can be administered using virtual reality and systematic desensitization exposure therapy. Aversive therapy is tailored to substitute an undesirable response for a desirable response to a...
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