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Attachment theory Regulating media use Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please make sure you read the instructions and rubric that I uploaded before you start writing, all the information you need to know is there.


Knowledge Translation Assignment: Instructions PSYO 2090, Fall 2020 For this assignment, you will choose a developmental psychology topic that you think would be of interest to a general audience. You will develop a knowledge translation resource that could be used to disseminate information on that topic to your chosen audience (the format is up to you!). Finally, you will write a brief paper that explains your project and its rationale. Paper length: 500–1000 words. This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade. Assignment Objectives: Knowledge translation is about the transfer of information & expertise between academia and the non-academic community. The work that scientists (and scientific trainees—that’s you!) do is of no use if the people it’s meant to benefit can’t find, understand, or use it. Knowledge translation projects work to make scientific knowledge accessible to general audiences. Beyond the lofty goal of translating scientific knowledge, there’s a self-serving one: One of the best ways to truly learn something is to explain it to someone else! In this assignment, you will translate developmental psychology knowledge for a general audience. This aligns with Objectives 2 and 6 in the syllabus. Where should you start? The best way to end up with a successful project is to start thinking about logistics early in the term! Some questions to consider are: 1. What developmental psychology topic do you want to explore for your assignment? ▪ The best way to find a topic is to skim your textbook’s detailed Table of Contents. Write down topics that spark your interest and skim those sections of the text. ▪ You should NOT aim to cover an entire chapter—choose narrower topics! ▪ Your topic might be one that I’ve assigned in the syllabus, but it does NOT have to be. Feel free to explore any chapter! Read me! For the most part, you can choose any developmental topic you want for this assignment. But as noted in the syllabus, there’s one exception: you can’t use general information on “parenting styles” as your topic. Sorry, guys—this rule is purely for my benefit! I’ve had one too many terms where half the class defaulted to a brochure on parenting styles ☺ If you have a unique take on parenting styles that you’d like to explore, email me! This rule isn’t meant to stifle your options, just to prevent everyone from choosing the same “easy” topic. I’m happy to discuss exceptions. 2. Would you prefer to work individually or as part of a group? ▪ For this assignment, you have the option to work in groups of up to 4 students. The number of people in the group should be proportional to the size of the project. For example, a simple brochure doesn’t need 4 people, but a detailed video or podcast might. You’ll be asked to justify group size in your paper. PSYO 2090: Fall 2020 Page 2 of 5 ▪ Group work is 100% optional! If you’d prefer to do this assignment individually, you can certainly do so. ▪ If you want to find potential group mates, I’ve created a Discussion board in Brightspace for that purpose. Post there and mention a few topics that you’re considering—others might be interested in working with you! ▪ I suggest you start looking for a group early! Group work logistics: Because group work is optional, I’ll leave it to you to form groups and manage responsibilities/workloads amongst yourselves. All group members will receive the same grade for the project. This is why I recommend finding a group early in the term! If things don’t work out and your group members aren’t on the same page, you’ll want enough time to start an individual project (or find another group). When it’s time to submit, designate ONE group member to upload your project to Brightspace. All other group members should upload a document that says “I completed this assignment with [group member names]. It is being submitted by [submitting group member’s name].” 3. What audience do you want to reach? What message do you want them to take away? ▪ Audiences might include parents, teachers, policy makers, pediatricians, or kids themselves (among many other options). Consider which group you think would benefit most from learning about your chosen topic. ▪ Your message is the specific, actionable information that you want to impart. What will your audience be able to do with the information you present to them? Use your general topic as a guide in deciding on a message, but you’ll ultimately want to focus your project on a specific aspect of the topic. 4. What format do you want your knowledge translation resource to take? ▪ The message and format of your assignment should be tailored to your audience. For example, if your chosen audience is 5-year-olds, a written format isn’t your best option! ▪ Aside from that note, format is up to you. I’ve included some examples below based on previous students’ projects. Choose something that plays to your strengths! ▪ Feel free to contact me if you’re unsure whether your format idea is appropriate. What should your assignment include? There are two parts to this project: A knowledge translation resource and a brief paper that explains your resource. 1. The knowledge translation resource: – You will create a resource/project that conveys developmental psychology knowledge to your chosen audience. I certainly won’t be grading your artistic ability, video editing skills, etc., but your submission should be something that could, hypothetically, be shared with the public as a polished final product. – The format is up to you, but you should choose something that will effectively convey your message to your specific audience. PSYO 2090: Fall 2020 Page 3 of 5 – As noted above, you may choose any topic covered in the textbook and, based on that topic, decide what specific message you would like to share. – Your goal is to transfer an actionable message from the body of research knowledge on your chosen topic. In other words, it should synthesize information—it should not just be a single research report or the results of a single study. – In previous years, students have created a range of different resources. Some ideas: ▪ A podcast episode ▪ A YouTube video or mock TED Talk ▪ A series of infographics ▪ A handbook or how-to manual ▪ A child-friendly resource (e.g., a children’s book or board game) ▪ A mock interview (or a real one, if you know a suitable interviewee!) ▪ A website or blog – Be creative in your format choice! Choose something that plays to your strengths and lets you communicate what you’ve learned effectively. – You can (and likely should) use the textbook as a resource for your project. You will also need to use at least 2 additional sources. Make sure the sources you use are reputable (e.g., peer-reviewed papers or a credible online source). 2. The paper: – Along with your knowledge translation project, you will submit a brief paper that responds to the following questions: a. What is the message you are attempting to convey with your knowledge translation project? What specific knowledge do you want to transfer to your audience? b. Who is the target audience for your project? Why did you choose that audience? c. What do you hope that your target audience will be able to do with what they’ve learned? In other words, how will they be able to apply their new knowledge? d. What format did you choose for your project, and why? How does that format accomplish your knowledge translation goals? e. What sources did you use in putting this project together? In addition to the textbook, you are expected to use at least 2 reputable sources. ▪ Provide a reference for each source in APA format (for guidance on APAstyle references, click here). ▪ Under each reference, include a brief summary of the information you took from the source. Explain how that information was useful for your project. ▪ Briefly explain how you decided that each source was reputable. f. If you are submitting a group project, briefly describe the role(s) that you each played and articulate why your project benefitted from working in a group. If you’re submitting an individual project, skip this item. PSYO 2090: Fall 2020 Page 4 of 5 What are the formatting requirements? Formatting requirements are minimal for this assignment—I am more interested in the content you include. However, to facilitate my grading, there are a few guidelines that I need you to follow. Failure to do so may result in lost points on your assignment. – For the knowledge translation project: If you created an electronic resource, upload the file to Brightspace as usual, or provide a link (e.g., if you created a website or a video that’s too big to upload). If you created a physical resource, upload photos or video of your project to Brightspace. Make sure photos/videos are clear and show off your work! – For the paper: Use double spacing. I often annotate assignments by hand, and this is more difficult in single-spaced documents. Label your responses so that I always know which question you’re answering (i.e., question a, b, c, d, e, f). This will prevent me from overlooking anything when grading! If you are submitting on behalf of a group, include all group members’ names. Aim for the word limit, but don’t stress if your assignment is slightly longer or shorter. The range I gave is an appropriate estimate of the length needed, but I want you to answer the question in as many or few words as it takes. Use the following file name format. You can submit .docx, .pdf, or .pages files. ▪ [Your full name] - [Assignment name] - [Your student number] ▪ e.g., Erin Sparks - Knowledge Translation Paper - B00504924.docx

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date of Submission
Regulating media use
* The extent of media usage
According to a national survey conducted in the US, about 7 hours and 38 minutes every day are spent on media usage by children aging 8-18 years old (Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010).
* Media and violence
Antisocial effects were observed on viewers (children and adolescents). Primary effects observed were (1) aggressive attitudes and behaviors are learned, (2) desensitization to violence, and (3) tendency of becoming fearful as a result of violence (Federman, 1998).
* Media and substance use
As a result of exposure to alcohol advertisements, positive beliefs were held by children regarding alcohol consumption (Grube & Waiters, 2005). Moreover, a study showed that smoking shown in movies is associated with smoking initiation of more than half of adolescent smokers (Sargent, et al., 2005).
Recommendations (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001).
* Advocate for safer media environment through media literacy
* The responsible portrayal of media violence by producers
* Parents should be proactive in the media experiences of these children
* The message that the knowledge transition project aims to impart to the audience is how to regulate the proper use of media; this is important because social media holds a wide influence in today’s world most importantly the sanity of an individual; since there are lots of news that are being widely disseminated every day. The audience needs to know that one is accountable for his or her mental health status especially when one is immersed in the virtual world.
* The target audience for this project is those people who are fond of checking social media sites, and most of them happen to be young individuals who are also vulnerable. Teenagers and people around the early 20’s are immersed in technology. Thus, they are the most important audience.
* At the end of the paper, the target audience will be equipped with the necessary information about the proper use of social media. They will likely be mindful of what is supposed to do and feel when they use different social media platforms; through this, they will not be as vulnerable as before because they will know how t...
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