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Essay Instructions:
As you begin looking for scholarly literature for your Final Project, you will conduct searches to generate a list of possible references; retrieve and review them; and note their importance and relevance to the topic you have selected. However, keep in mind that simply keeping a list of refences is not sufficient to keep track of all the information you may need for your Final Project. For this reason, creating an Annotated Bibliography is extremely important. Last week, you were tasked with critically reviewing two research articles. This week, you will expand on those skills by writing annotations for at least three (3) scholarly references that you plan to include in your Final Project. Annotation is helpful because it includes the full reference to the resource in APA style. It also includes a summary of the important findings, so you can quickly review them without re-reading the original work. Each annotation should also identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article and any relevant comparisons to your other annotations. This allows you to synthesize your literature more easily. Finally, annotations allow you to describe how you will use the information in your writing, so you know where it will go within your Comprehensive Outline for Final Project Assignment (due in Week 6). For this week’s Assignment, you will create an Annotated Bibliography based on the sources you have found to support your Final Project. Following the proper format for an Annotated Bibliography, you will list the references you have identified thus far along with a 1-paragraph summary of each in your own words. Your summary will be followed by a 1- to 2-paragraph review of each of the references in which you will note the strengths and weaknesses, identify any relevant limitations, compare the main information to your other annotations, and describe how you plan to use the information in your Final Project. Review this week’s Learning Resources related to Annotated Bibliographies to familiarize yourself with the components of an Annotated Bibliography and how to create one. Use the Sample Annotated Bibliography document, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to guide you in creating your Annotated Bibliography for this Assignment. Assignment (3–5 pages) Create an Annotated Bibliography of at least three scholarly resources that you intend to use for your Final Project. WEEKLY RESOURCES Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2022). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application (6th ed.). SAGE Publications. Chapter 4, “Consulting and Testifying” “The Assessment of Risk” Chapter 5, “Consulting with Criminal Courts” “Competency to Stand Trial” “Insanity” Chapter 7, “The Development of Delinquent and Criminal Behavior” “Developmental Factors in the Formation of Persistent Criminal Behavior” “The Criminal Psychopath” Chapter 8, “Psychology of Violence and Intimidation” Chapter 9, “Sexual Violence” Chapter 10, “Forensic Psychology and the Victims of Crime” Document: Final Project Overview (PDF)Download Document: Final Project Overview (PDF) Walden Library Skills Walden University Library. (n.d.). Database search skills: IntroductionLinks to an external site.. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/databasesearchskills Walden University Library. (n.d.).Evaluating resources: Peer reviewLinks to an external site..  https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/evaluating/peer-review Walden University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating resources: Publication typesLinks to an external site..  https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/evaluating/resource-types Walden University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating resources: Research articles [Multimedia].Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/evaluating/researcharticles Transcript: Tutorial: Anatomy of a Research Article Download Tutorial: Anatomy of a Research Article(PDF) This is a transcript for the video found on the Evaluating Resources: Research Articles webpage, linked above. Walden University Library. (n.d.). Library webinar archives: Psychology: Introduction to psychology library research [Multimedia].Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/webinararchives/psychology#s-lg-box-10389162 Walden University Library. (n.d.). Psychology library research: Basic article search.Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/psychologyresearch Walden University Library. (n.d.). Top psychology journals: Top forensic psychology journals.Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/library/subject/psychology/journals/lists?preview=65b2e42b21fc5f125df4b99d02e4dbe7#s-lg-box-27525329 Walden Writing Center Resources Document: Sample Annotated Bibliography (Word)Download Document: Sample Annotated Bibliography (Word) Walden University Writing Center. (2019, June 24). Annotated bibliography essentials: Five-part blog series for research writers.Links to an external site. Walden University Writing Center Blog. https://waldenwritingcenter(dot)blogspot(dot)com/2019/06/annotated-bibliography-essentials-five.html Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). APA style: Overview [Multimedia]Links to an external site..Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/writingcenter/apa Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Common assignments: Annotated bibliographies.Links to an external site. https://academicguides(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/writingcenter/assignments/annotatedbibliographies Note: As you review this webpage, make sure to review the basics of Annotated Bibliographies, the components of an entry, and the multimedia resources provided.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Psychology Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Course Name & Code Instructor’s Name Date Psychology Njoku, A., Ahmed, Y., & Bolaji, B. (2021). Police brutality against Blacks in the United States and ensuing protests: Implications for social distancing and Black health during COVID-19. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 31(1-4), 262-270. https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2020.1822251 Njoku et al. (2021) highlight ways in which African Americans suffered police brutality during the COVID-19 era. Most of these individuals were harassed by police since they were protesting the racial disparities in health, among other injustices that they were exposed to during this period. These individuals complained about the social distancing policy, which most could not adhere to. However, rather than the law enforcers addressing the issue that they had and ensuring that there was fair and equitable enforcement, they faced police brutality. There were high cases of police brutality among African Americans as compared to the other races. This article has outstanding strengths. One of the strengths is that the source has outstanding references, which confirms that it has conducted in-depth research. Moreover, the individual can use these references to look for more information. The other strength is that the article did not have a conflict of interest among the authors. This process helps the authors to give research that does not address their interests. Furthermore, the authors did not receive funding from other individuals who were likely to influence the research to favor them negatively. Even though the article has strengths, it also has some weaknesses. For instance, it failed to interview the police to understand the reason behind them being brutal to the African Americans more than the other races. The article has a similarity to the other article since it proves the brutality cases from the police officers have been true. Moreover, it proves that even though some people claim that the racial disparity ended, it still exists and is negatively affecting black people. Furthermore, the article supports the other articles, showing that society needs to be sensitized about the negative impact of racial discrimination. I will use this article to show the suffering that Black people suffered after the COVID-19 pandemic to call the government to employ serious measures whenever the outbreak occurs. Geller, A., Goff, P. A., Lloyd, T., Haviland, A., Obermark, D., & Glaser, J. (2021)....
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