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Assignment - Neuroscience

Essay Instructions:
Understanding the Nervous System PS215-1: Explain the structure of the brain and how it functions. PC-3.4: Project a professional image, such as appearance, confidence, and attitude, for a given work environment. Understanding the fundamental elements of how our brains and nervous systems function is important in psychology, as it forms the basis for comprehending human behavior, cognition, and various neurological disorders. This assignment aligns with the unit readings and Seminar discussions, allowing you to build a deeper understanding of the subject matter as it encourages critical thinking and communication skills. In this assignment you will be using the Unit 2 Assignment Template to create a PowerPoint presentation that delves into and explores the inner workings, components, and functions of the nervous system, focusing on neurons, glial cells, neural communication, and neurotransmitters. Each slide should have speaker notes that contain the information you are covering. You will then record a 5-7 minute video presentation using this PowerPoint in Kaltura. Share your screen so the PowerPoint slides are viewable. Using your own words and phrasing, in a conversational tone, explain the material covered in the template. Remember not to read directly from the textbook or other reference material. Instructions: Slide 1: Title Title: Understanding the Nervous System Subtitle: Exploring Neurons, Glial Cells, and Neural Communication Your name Purdue University Global PS215-Section Number-Unit 2 Assignment Instructor Name Date Slide 2: Introduction Briefly introduce the nervous system as a complex network responsible for communication in the body. Provide an overview of what the presentation will cover. Slide 3: Major Divisions of the Brain Describe the location and functions of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Slide 4: Cells of the Nervous System Provide an overview of the two primary types of cells in the nervous system: Neurons Glial cells Slide 5: Neurons - The Building Blocks Describe the structure of neurons, including: Cell body (soma) Dendrites Axon Axon terminals Slide 6: Sensory, Motor, and Interneurons Explain the different types of neurons: Sensory neurons Motor neurons Interneurons (association neurons) Highlight their respective functions. Slide 7: Glial Cells - Supporting Cast Explain the roles of different types of glial cells: Astrocytes Microglia Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells Describe how they support neural function. Slide 8: Action Potential - Electrical Signals Describe the basic process of action potential, including: Resting potential Depolarization Repolarization Slide 9: Neurotransmitters - Chemical Messengers Explain how neurotransmitters are involved in communication between neural cells. Describe the release and binding process. Discuss reuptake. Slide 10: Neurotransmitters - Chemical Messengers Provide examples of three common neurotransmitters (e.g., serotonin, dopamine, GABA). Explain what they are involved in and their effects on neural communication. Slide 11: Conclusion - Chemical Messengers Summarize the key takeaways from the presentation. Emphasize the interconnectedness of neurons and glial cells in nervous system function. Slide 12: References List the sources and references used in your presentation. Additional Guidelines: Use visuals (images) to enhance understanding only. Avoid excess decoration images. Keep text concise and use bullet points for clarity. Ensure proper citations and references for any sources used. Your presentation should have a professional and visually appealing design. Please review and follow the assignment requirements in the next tab titled Assignment Details. Your PowerPoint should use the Unit 2 Assignment Template and include the following elements: Use the Unit 2 Assignment Template to create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. A narrated Kaltura video presentation of your PowerPoint. Title slide: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date. Content slides: Answer all the questions, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights. The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice. Presentations are visual; therefore, use clear, concise bullet points and avoid crowded slides. You may include the use of graphics and SmartArt to streamline information in a memorable manner. Additionally, images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools, but be sure to include all required citations. Please review the Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations resource for tips and suggestions. Submissions must be in .pptx format and no larger than 40 MB. Note: Visual effects and some dark-colored themes, such as Slate, may prevent Turnitin from fully processing a PowerPoint file and, consequently, from generating a Similarity Report. Review the file requirements to ensure a report will be generated. Reference slide: Sources listed in current APA format. Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions. Use Arial or Times New Roman 24-point font. Use current APA formatting and citation style. Please use this helpful video resource, APA Style Formatting in PowerPoint, to format a PowerPoint by applying current APA style to a title slide; body slides using bullet points, figures, tables, and copyright statements; and a reference list with hanging indentations. NOTE; I know this is a power point presentation but you can do it in word thanks.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Slide 2 The nervous system acts as the body’s communication network that transmits signals that control the different functions and reactions of the body. It includes a huge network of neurons and glial cells which also can be examined under the microscope. Speaker Notes: Welcome, everyone. Today, we will delve into the astonishing realm of the Nervous System. This presentation would provide an in-depth examination of the nervous system that will cover its primary subsystems and their central cell types, fundamental mechanisms of neural communication, and the role of neurotransmitters in facilitating communication between neurons. Slide 3 The brain is divided into three regions (Brodal, 2010; Cleveland Clinic, 2020; Regional Neurological Associates, 2020). * Forebrain: Located at the front of the brain, it involves the cerebrum, thalamus and hypothalamus. The forebrain is accountable for higher cognitive functions as well as reasoning, perception, and decision-making in addition to handling emotions, body temperature and sleep. * Midbrain: In between the forebrain and hindbrain, the midbrain carries out the important roles of sensory processing, motor control, and arousal regulation. * Hindbrain: Positioned at the back of the brain, it consists of cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata. The hindbrain mediates the voluntary movements, the autonomic functions regulation and balance and posture maintenance. Three Regions of the Brain (Lumen Learning, 2019). Speaker Notes: Let us begin with the brain, the central organ of the nervous system. The brain is divided into three major regions: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. Every region has its own tasks to execute. Forebrain, which is the CEO of the brain, is responsible for the highest cognitive functions including thinking, perception, and emotion regulation. The next structure is the midbrain which is located between the forebrain and the hindbrain, it functions as a control center for sensory processing, motor control, and setting up the levels of arousal. Finally, the hindbrain, located at the back, coordinates the movements, regulates the vital functions as breathing and heart rate, and helps in maintaining the balance and posture. Slide 4 The nervous system has two primary type of cells (Brodal, 2010; Cleveland Clinic, 2020; Regional Neurological Associates, 2020). * Neurons are the functional units of the Nervous System that transmit electrical and chemical signals. They are constituted by a cell body, dendrites, an axon, and axon terminals. * Glial cells, also called neuroglia, supply neurons with assistance and defense. These include astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells. Speaker Notes: Now, let us explore the cellular parts of the nervous system. Neurons, in fact, are the exigence of the whole nervous system. Imagine neurons as the couriers, carrying messages back and forth between different parts of the body. Subsequently, glial cells, which are commonly referred to as brain activity coordinators. It is like they are a support function to the central nervous system of the body, keeping everyone in shape and on track. Slide 5: A neuron has a specialized structure (Brodal, 2010; Cleveland Clinic, 2020; Regional Neurological Associates, 2020). * Cell Body (Soma): It holds the nucleus and organelles, and it is important for the cell's performance. * Dendrites: These are branched projections that receive signals from the receptors of sensory organs. * Axon: A thin, long fiber that helps the transmission of impulses away from the cell body. * Axon Terminals: These are specialized endings which release neurotransmitters and send messages to other neurons or target cells. INCLUDEPICTURE "https://bio.libretexts.org/@api/deki/files/51927/clipboard_ef9e70969af33ac5f9f631fb8234b70b9.png?revision=1" \* MERGEFORMATINET The Major Parts Of The Neuron (LibreTexts, 2021). Speaker Notes: Let us further examine neuron, the cellular basis of the nervous system. Neurons have peculiar build that help them to complete their function well. The cell body, much like a command center for a neur...
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