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How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life

Essay Instructions:

This paper is an opportunity for you to apply some of the psychological principles taught in this course to your own life. It is a reflection paper where you can demonstrate what you have learned by looking at either your past life experiences, or your life in the future. You will then be asked to discuss what information from the course you used to make any changes in your life. It is less of a biography and more analytic—as you look at your life use the guidelines for whichever aspect you choose to focus upon and fully explore them.

First, after some reflection, decide if you want to focus on your past or your future. Use the questions in the sections below to assist with your introspection. As you write it, reference at least three different theories, concepts or processes presented in the textbook or other course materials that have impacted your views on your past or how they will affect your future.

Evaluation: Your work will be evaluated based on the rubric provided. Points will be awarded based on the depth of your insight as you tell your story, the analysis you provide, use of the resources from the course (the textbook, videos, articles, discussions), and the mechanics or construction of the writing of the paper (grammar, spelling, syntax, formatting, APA style use). Review this rubric prior to writing the paper to be sure you address all the areas to be assessed.

Paper Instruction and Content:

This paper will contain 2 major components: 1) an analysis of your past or an application of your future, and 2) a discussion of those items throughout the course that led to some change in you.

#1 Understanding My Past Life Experiences – or how the knowledge you gained through this class helps you to understand you from the past


#2 How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life – a look at how the knowledge you gained from this class can be applied to your future.

In the final section of your paper, you will discuss how this course has changed you. Here you will summarize how the activities and specific assignments, readings, videos, speakers, discussions may have changed your perspective or behaviors. Use the questions in the sections below to help guide your thinking and writing for this assignment. Remember, you will be citing your resources (like you did throughout the course in the discussion boards).

Instructions: Write in specific, thorough details being sure to relate your story with information you learned throughout this course.


Understanding My Past Life Experiences-How does what I have learned in this course help to be understand my past?

How has what happened in your life affected who you are today?

We are all shaped by our experiences. The purpose of this topic is not to tell your life story but to explain how the events in your life story influenced your life. Be sure to relate your life story with at least three topics in this course and how you have gained a better understanding of your past because of learning psychology.

For example, if your parents were divorced when you were 10, how did that affect you?

How did that change the relationship you had with one or both parents?

How did it change your attitude regarding intimate relations with others?


How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life-

How can the information you have learned in this class play a role in your future life.

Describe how this new knowledge could be applied to your role or future role as a parent.

How could this information be applied in your career choice?

How could this information be applied to your personal relationships?

How could the information help you with self-acceptance?

Then, conclude your paper by considering the following:

How This Course Has Changed Me- You will be using specific information from the textbook, videos, or other elements of the course for this section.

How has the information you learned in this class changed you?

How has your viewpoint on certain subjects changed? Which subjects specifically did your viewpoint change? How is it different now? What materials (videos, articles, textbook subjects, and class discussions) helped you make the change or changes?

How has the information made you reassess different aspects of your life?

How has it changed how you relate to others?

Be sure to use in-text citations for those concepts from the textbook such as (King, 2019, p. 332). Note: For information on how to correctly do in-text citations and listings on the References page, see the website - Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) - APA style. (Links to an external site.)

All papers are submitted through the Turnitin software to check for possible plagiarism.

Formatting: APA style

Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt.

APA format (1 inch margins, double-spacing, indention of paragraphs)

Lay-out of Paper

Title Page

Content – Minimum of 4 to 5 pages in length (Content does not include title page and references page.)

In-text citations in APA style (see the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)

References page where your resources are listed in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life
Student's Name
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Course Full Title
Due Date
How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life
Application of psychology concept in my future role as a parent
The best part of life is a new chapter known as a parent. Being a tiny human raiser comes in handy with responsibilities. Molding behavior and discipline are some of the significant roles. A guest at Steve Harvey's show indicated that discipline is to teach, direct and redirect (Steve Harvey Daytime, 2016). Spanking is healthy in disciplining children, but it all depends on the situation, how someone was raised, the child, and the reflection of how someone was raised (Steve Harvey Daytime, 2016). As a parent, I will not implement spanking with my child because it created anxiety and fear. It also created a huge wall between the relationship between my parents and me. Classical conditioning is the process of creating behavior in someone by use of repeated stimuli, while operant conditioning is by use of consequences by either reinforcement or to punish. The use of punishment and support is the best form of way to discipline a child. I associate spanking with pain, and most times, when done out of anger, it could be a self-motive form. I will teach my child or children the cultural /racial and gender norms to create awareness and empower them on what is expected of them.
The surroundings or environment a child grows in are significant. The memories impacted on a child are very substantial as well. Most of the time, whatever a child picks up becomes their voice of reasoning as they grow up. The memories contribute to something known as the unconscious mind will cultivate the idea of giving the child positive affirmations and surrounding the child with positivity. The positive affirmations create confidence in the child. This confidence provides the child with the ability to take tasks without fear and also approach situations boldly.
When most children are about 2years to 10 years of age, feeding becomes a challenge. This challenge is because the food required to be fed to them is the amount of food they mostly do not like. These are like green leafy vegetables, food-based proteins, and some fruits. A constructive memory process can be created by talking more about these foods in a good way (SMU, 2014). I will highly speak so good of these healthy foods to create good thoughts about them to my children, leading to them adapting this food more.
As a parent, being consciously aware of my child's personality, I will be better positioned to advise them what careers to take, in relationships and associating with other people. Moreover, being a scholar in psychology will assist me in interpreting what is going on with their problems in relationships. Self-awareness is another character one consciously picks from psychology by understanding that I might have grown up with unhealed scars or unconscious negative thoughts. This self-awareness could also be passed on to my children. Being aware that when I interact eighth my child will bring up those moments, it is important to note them and distance oneself and heal alone. Also, when one is consciously aware of the triggers that develop from parent and child relationship could replicate a trauma caused in the past, make one aware of the same pattern in their children.
Sometimes or rather most times, the comparison is the thief of joy. When one has two or more children, it is easy to compare them. I will have to take personality tests for my children. This is because I will be able to know why one is more outgoing more than the other. I will understand their emotions, how they perceive winning and losses, and their understanding of achievements and losses. This knowledge helps to avoid feeling one is better than the other but appreciating their indifferences.
Application of psychology concept in my Career choice
A career path is picked based on personality, passion, genetic background, behavioral theory, evolutionary aspect. Evolutionary theory dictates that our behavioral adaption is based on how best we adapt to the environment; due to the current transition to TechWorld, I will pick a career that is TechPro to remain marketable.
According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, I fall in the category ISFP (“The Famous Myers-Briggs Personality Test - W...
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