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Analyzing Better Life Health Behavior Change Program

Essay Instructions:

A central goal of this course is to learn the importance of health behavior theory in changing behaviors. In this assignment, you will apply a health behavior theory to specific health behavior change through the development of an original hypothetical health promotion for a specific target population.


The goal the paper is to use a behavior change theory to propose a health promotion program/intervention to change a health behavior in a specific population.

Health Behavior

• Choose a specific aspect of a health behavior you want to change

Specific Population

• Choose a specific population or group you want to target for your intervention

Health Behavior Change Theory

• Choose one of the 5 health behavior theories we covered in class to guide the development of your intervention for this group


• Provide a hypothetical description of your proposed program


The paper should include the following. You can use these numbered headings if it is helpful.

1. General description of the health behavior and why it is important. This will include relevant background information, and statistics relating to the behavior. Use this information to justify the need for your health promotion program. What does research evidence say about how this health behavior can impact health outcomes?

2. Identify a specific population in which the behavior poses a threat. Use data to support your emphasis on this population. Also, discuss the problem the behavior poses for health in this population specifically.

3. Description of the Health Behavior Theory. Explain the basic concepts of the health behavior theory you chose. Use the Theory at a Glance document as a resource but make sure the description is in your own words and properly cited.

***4. Describe your health promotion program.*** Provide a well thought out description of the hypothetical health behavior change program you would create to address the health behavior in your specific population. What are the goals of your program? What does your program look like? How will you implement your program? Who will run your program? What will you do to fund your program? How does your program target your specific population?

Most importantly, how specifically does your program apply the chosen health behavior theory to change behavior? What concepts in the theory does your program address? How does your program or intervention address the different aspects of health behavior change?

Be creative— Don't forget to give your program a name! Make it something that would be engaging and work to change your health behavior!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Better Life Health Behavior Change Program
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Professor's Name
Better Life Health Behavior Change Program
Better Life Health Behavior Change Program is meant to sensitize individuals on the hazards of taking excessive sugar-sweetened drinks. Individual behavior plays an essential role in the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease. Researchers suggest that personal behaviors cause more than 50% of illnesses. Today in the United States, the leading cradle of added sugar in most people's foods is sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda and fruit drinks. Added sugar is directly associated with health complications such as tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity weight addition. Research shows that an average U.S. adult takes in 145 calories from sugar-sweetened beverages every day, and 25% of people take in at least 200 calories daily (Han & Powell, 2013). Those with a low income and who live in some geographical regions tend to consume more of these beverages. For this reason, there is a need to come up with an intervention or a program that will encourage reduced use of sugar-sweetened beverages among the U.S. population generally and especially those in rural areas.
The use of sugar-sweetened beverages poses a more significant threat to adults who drink at least 200 kilocalories every day. Research shows that adults who take more than three sugar-sweetened beverages daily have 33% greater chances of developing tooth decay than those who take less (Bernabé et al., 2014). Thus, continued use of these beverages poses a considerable health threat to this population, especially when combined with other destructive health behaviors.
The theory of planned behavior suggests that an individual's health conduct is influenced by their intent to execute a behavior. Attitudes determine the intentions; which are the overall evaluation of one's behavior, subjective norms; which consist of a...
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