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Alliance in Needham and to Ameliorate Biased and Racists Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

Plz complete the following paper according to my outline. If you have anything to change , plz connect me with mailbox.
The Policy Proposal Paper is an opportunity for you to apply what you have learned this semester in order to develop an intervention on a topic of your choice. You will write a paper that includes a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references (i.e., from academic journals). You may include more references than this that are not peer-reviewed (e.g., Pew research articles, articles from scientific magazines, etc.), but these will not count toward your 5 references. Your paper will consist of three major parts:
Background - This is where you will introduce the reader to your topic and provide a literature review that lays out the problem you are addressing. (30 points)
Intervention - This is where you will lay out, step by step, what your intervention will look like, including a description of the methods to be used. (30 points)
Evaluation - This is where you will discuss how you will evaluate your intervention to ensure that it is working. (15 points)
The remaining points will consist of using proper APA style formatting, which includes an APA style title page, abstract, and reference section (5 points), properly citing and referencing your sources (10 points), and writing style (using formal language, writing in an objective 3rd person perspective - 10 points).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Proposal Paper: AAPI Alliance in Needham and to Ameliorate Biased and
Racists Behaviors toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI)
That are Currently on the Rise in the US
Student’s Name
Department, Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and title
Policy Proposal Paper: AAPI Alliance in Needham and to Ameliorate Biased and
Racists Behaviors toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI)
That are Currently on the Rise in the US
Belonging and inclusion for American citizens of all origins, ethnicity, and races are crucial in promoting the security and safety of Americans. Whenever the people in a particular community live in unity, there will be no reason for fights hence, the peaceful country. The Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in Needham, MA, have faced discrimination due to the inflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric putting their families, businesses, and the community at risk. The Federal Government plays a vital role in promoting xenophobic statements during the COVID-19 pandemic through the acts of the political leaders of the geographic origin location (Stewart et al., 2003). The negative sentiments have increased stigma and fear among the AAPI people escalating harassment, bullying, and hate crime. The actions harm the AAPI communities and families because it defiles public health officials' best guidelines and practices. Therefore, there is an urgent need to address the problem. The AAPI Alliance proposes the TEAACH bill to help solve the problem.
The paper will have different sections. First, it will have the background section. The part will have a brief introduction of the problem and the best solution to it. Also, it has a literature review that shows more research on the topic that helped in the policy formation. The other section is the intervention that shows how the team could research the work through the questionnaires, giving an example. It also states the goals and objectives of the process to enable the team to rate their performance. Finally, the evaluation section focuses on the performance assessment in terms of scientific, ethical, and financial evaluation to determine the project's success probability.
1 Background
Each state has different laws and regulations that protect its people. Some laws protect every citizen, while others are made specifically to cover a particular group of people such as children, people with disabilities, the old, and other vulnerable groups. The creation of such laws is because of the need to solve a specific problem in the community. According to Pulido (2015), policymaking requires the team to research and provide a workable solution with previous evidence of the proposed law's success. The process requires different stakeholders to come together and create a document that can convince the Senate and the House of Representatives to support it till it is officially law. The team can either develop a new policy or amend an already existing act to add or reduce some rules with the primary purpose of improving its outcome. The amendment proposal can be with the original sponsor or a new one.
The Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Needham, MA, have been facing a lot of discrimination from Americans because of the inflammation and xenophobic rhetoric. The statements from the political leaders incite people to bully and harass the AAPI persons causing harm. The racial discrimination has become so intense to the level of blocking them from receiving public services (Brown & Chu, 2012). For instance, the public health officers ignore the health guidelines and practices when serving the AAPI people leading to medical complications and even death. Despite intolerance, the AAPIs have worked hard to ensure America is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders were the frontline medical officers providing the first patient response. For this reason, they deserve to be treated with equality and dignity despite their religion, language, or background.
We recommend advancing the Teaching Equitable Asian American Community History (TEAACH) as the solution for the discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Needham, MA. The policy's main plan is to introduce a unit on Asian American history to the Illinois schools. We intend to expand the bill also to cover other schools in America. We propose that all grade K-12 students have the Asian American history unit to understand the AAPI people better. The bill will only fit the MA and will petition to request an executive order from MA's education commissioner. The policy will be able to increase the tolerance levels of Americans towards Asians. The improved TEAACH bill will have to pass to the Senators and Representatives.
Regarding the TEAACH new bill, the team has been working with several Representatives and Senators, asking them to sponsor the policy till it is voted on. We have already started to speak with different leaders from various constituencies in MA to convince their senators and representatives to meet with our team. Moreover, we have been writing and rewriting the bill to ensure all the words are understood. The process will describe all the technical terms and balance the promises that look overstated. Also, we have been consulting with different AAPI people in Needham to help us understand their struggles. Additionally, we will write a financial proposal that will outline the budget for the curriculum preparation, training, implementation, and any other plan that might arise. Finally, we will work with other non-governmental organizations seeking their opinion on the struggles of the AAPI, asking them to give a written and verbal report.
Literature Review
According to Chandler (2020), racism is one of the leading causes of insecurity in the United States of America. The writer confirms culture study will enable the children to understand the diverse communities hence, reducing violence. The lack of awareness leads the community to misjudge others, thus mistreating them (Azhar et al., 2021). The research by Labriola (2017) explores the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, giving the case an insight into what the curriculum will cover. It expounds on the challenges the AAPI faces and how it might reduce discrimination. Introducing the AAPI history to the K-12 syllabus will make the students understand the traditions of the Asians hence embracing the foreigners (Brown et al., 2012).
Pulido (2015) says the levels of bullying and harassment of the AAPI persons in Needham, MA, have increased despite their contribution to American peace. During the pandemic, over 2 million Asians were among the front-line medical officers. Their dedication to the country gives them the right to be respected and enjoy equal opportunity to the foreigners (Stewart et al., 2003). Azhar et al. (2021) affirm that embracing the AAPI persons will make them feel a part of the Americans hence willing to invest more in the country, growing the stability of America.
The TEAACH bill improvement to be part of the MA education system requires different people to be successful. We hope to talk to people of various ages, religions, races, and foreign lan...
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