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Psychology: Advice Column Scenarios on Love, Jobs, and Friendship

Essay Instructions:

Reading Chapter 10
Advise writers seeking your relationship input, similar to the Ask Ann Landers column ( https://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Ask_Ann_Landers ) if you have ever read it (although your input needs to be based in science). For each of the three scenarios below, be sure to consider factual information that you learned in the course, but also consider an appropriate way of presenting the information so that you don't offend your readers.

Scenario 1
Dear Psych 243 Student,
I have been married to my husband for 10 years. While we still love each other, it feels like we have lost the spark. Sometimes it feels like we are just roommates. I tried talking to him about how I feel, but he says that it’s just what happens to couples and then goes back to what he was doing. Is it possible to get the spark back, or are we doomed as a couple?
Lonely in Love

Scenario 2
Dear Psych 243 Student,
I recently started a new job. I enjoy the work, but I can’t stand my coworker. Our desks are right next to each other, and I can hear her tapping her pencil. She also keeps her desk really messy, and it’s such an eyesore. She always eats her lunch in the break room, and it stinks up the entire office. She takes about ten bathroom breaks per day while I continue to be productive. While these behaviors might seem minor, they’re driving me crazy. Should I say something to her? Should I quit? Help!
Fed up at the Office

Scenario 3
Dear Psych 243 Student,
I have been friends with John since we were young boys. While we used to see each other all the time and talk about everything, it seems like we’ve lost touch over the years. I still enjoy his company, but we both have other things going on in our lives. I won two free tickets at work to go a Steelers football game. I was thinking about inviting John, but I’m not sure if it would be weird; it’s been over a year since we’ve talked. I could just invite a coworker, since the tickets were given to me by my boss. Should I give up on my friendship with John and move forward with forming one with my coworker, or should I try to maintain a relationship with John?

Confused in Pittsburgh

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Scenario 1
All couples eventually feel that they are drifting apart or that their initial warmth towards each other are slowly becoming colder. This might be because they are lacking experience to make each other feel the high of being in the relationship. When you both started becoming interested in each other, the feeling of “the rush” might have been prominent due to the experience’s newness. Meeting each other and getting to know each other is more interesting and intense in the first few years of the relationship because there are always mysteries and something new to discover in the partner. This gives us a rush of Oxytocin to our brains, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure, and bonding, as it has been dubbed as the cuddle hormone. The intense feeling of love are a mix of chemical signals and interactions with our body and our brain, but that is not to say that love is not energy. Although love is hard to define, understanding love from the framework of novel experiences with physiological effects, you can try to spice things up with your partner by trying new things, and having opportunity to bond and discover new things together. Perhaps the “spark” that you are searching for be ignited once again when you experience a rush of the perfect balance of chemicals toward our brain by going to new places, trying new things in bed, or simply going to an adventure in a new place together. Scenario 2
Perhaps you need to rediscover to why you are in your career in the first place. Maybe you are projecting some insecurities,...
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