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Abnormal Mental Health: Pittsburgh Post on Abnormal Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

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Four questions are here(I will attach the two articles needed):

Carefully read this opinion piece published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in July 2016. Do you

think this piece is consistent or inconsistent with your learning in Abnormal Psychology? Why?

Justify your response by discussing at least three points from the article. (Target = 300 or more


Carefully read this opinion piece published in the New York Times in March 2019. Do you think

this piece is consistent or inconsistent with your learning in Abnormal Psychology? Why? Justify

your response by discussing at least three points from the article. (Target = 300 or more words)

The profession of psychiatry looks forward to the day that psychiatric diagnosis will be carried

out strictly using medical tests – blood tests, brain scans, and so on. Will this day ever arrive?

Why or why not? (Target = 200 or more words)

Identify and describe at least three common misconceptions related to the insanity defense. Why

do you think people so profoundly misunderstand the insanity defense? (Target = 150 or more)

And I will also attach a file that contains topics maybe needed for reference

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Abnormal Mental Health.
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Abnormal Mental Health
Pittsburgh Post on Abnormal Psychology.
The piece published by Pittsburgh is consistent with the knowledge I have learned about abnormal psychology. It brings out that depression is a psychological disorder that is characterized by quickly getting sad, low-energy, tearful, joyless, and having little motivation. This is consistent with the information I have gained in class concerning depression as a source of abnormal psychology. The article brings out that abnormal psychology results in acts as social anxiety. The case of social anxiety is witnessed on the 26-year patient who couldn’t enjoy being in public places and she preferred staying indoors and could only go to the7/11 at 2 in the morning when nobody was present. She suffered from social phobia, a state which denied her socializing with friends.
The article also reveals that abnormal psychology involves chronic, lifelong symptoms, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. The onset of these disorders is confirmed to be in childhood. The people suffering from these disorders really notice it, and they usually believe themselves as normal and rarely present themselves for treatment. For example, the professor who was suffering from social anxiety feared requesting for promotion or advancing his carrier.
The treatment of psychological disorders is also inherent in the article. The author treats the 26-year-old lady and professor from social anxiety, and they finally normalize their behavior and enjoy social inclusion. He notes that psychiatric medication doesn’t alter one’s personality. The treatments only act as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, or antianxiety agents. They help normalize the behavior of an individual who has been facing abnormal psychology. Also, according to the article, incorporating psychology training in the school syllabus will help many overcome such disorders because children will grow with adequate knowledge about psychology. They will be able to seek medication rather than live in denial. Relieving mental health symptoms help people live in a friendly and happy environment.
New York Times post.
The post is consistent with my learning on abnormal psychology. The post brings up the relationship between the mind and other organs of the body, environment, and society. It confirms that abnormal psychology is not only caused by factors related to the mind. The mind doesn’t work in isolation, which is why I think the post is in line with abnormal psychology. The post highly acknowledges the importance of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. D.S.M was published by the American Psychiatric Association and listed all mental diseases.
The article also brings out the connection between formulation and Diagnosis of mental diseases. In determining the cause of one’s illness, formulation requires the analysis of all biological, social, and psychological factors that might have affected the individual. The post also reveals that people may have a similar mental disorder, but the causes are different depending on the prevailing conditions for each individual.
Treatment of abnormal psychology is also confirmed to be extensive and not limited to medication. It can also be through fulfilling and address...
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