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Connecting Theory and Research and the Psychological Perspective

Essay Instructions:


Please use Templet to answers 5 questions also submit final product using templet. Rubrics are to pass assignment, follow by them. I will submit order for 6 pages nut if its takes little more just text me and i will pay;)


For this Assessment, you will answer a series of short answer questions to demonstrate your understanding of psychological perspectives as well as environmental factors to determine how they contribute to behavior. You also will demonstrate your understanding of how theories and their related concepts help to explain behavior in real life situations.

Submission Length: Five prompts ranging from 2-5 paragraphs in length

Professional Skills: Information Literacy and Written Communication are assessed in this Competency.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the Rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission, and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the Rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

To complete this Assessment:

• Download the PT002 Written Response Template and answer each question in 2-5 paragraphs.

• Download the Academic Writing Checklist to review prior to submitting your Assessment.

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Behaviour
Human Behavior
Module 1: Connecting Theory and Research
How research informs theory development
The theory is an explanation of why certain things exist or occur in specific ways. Therefore, to understand various theories that exist, an experimental study is usually conducted to provide a practical explanation of why certain elements exist in specific ways. However, experts also believe that since no study is perfect, limitations of the study can be explored further to revise specific theories in an amenable manner. Therefore, this argument explains how research can be used in the development of various theories. However, the findings of the research can be used to develop or revise several concepts about theories. For instance, besides the independent variables used in the research, dependent variables can also influence the research findings, as is the case in the Bobo-Doll experiment by Bandura, which aimed at determining whether social behaviors could be obtained through observation and imitations (Dr. McLeod, 2014).
Reinforcement of Bob-Doll Limitation through Vicarious Reinforcement Test
Although the Bobo-Doll experiment by Bandura successfully affirmed the hypothesis that human beings could learn social behaviors through observations and imitations, certain limitations of the study provided an opportunity to determine the number of elements that influenced certain behaviors subjects. For instance, the Bobo-Doll did not consider the consequential aspect of model behaviors regarding their influence on how the subjects behaved. For example, how the consequences of the model's behavior affected the subjects' social behavior. This gap, therefore, led Bandura to conduct another experiment that informed the revision of the bobo-doll theory by testing the vicarious reinforcement (Dr. McLeod, 2014). The findings suggested that human beings are more likely to learn certain behaviors through observation and imitation only when the behaviors lead to positive consequences from the models and shun away from behaviors that result in punishment or negative consequences.
Module 2: Psychological Perspective
Psychological Perspective of Interest
Among the several psychological perspectives that exist, one that stands out the most is the psychodynamic or psychoanalytic perspective of psychology. The main reason why this perspective of psychology is interesting is because of its two assumptions. Besides the notable assumption that the perspective is coined on, which suggests that individuals' early experiences influence human behavior, primary of the perspective's unconscious and psychic casualty assumptions are pretty fascinating. As the primary of the conscious, it assumes that many metal activity takes place outside conscious human awareness in one hand. On the other hand, the psychic casualty assumption of the perspective suggests that the same mental activities do not just happen by chance. Instead, mental activities are often a result of biological or environmental influences (Bornstein, Maracic & Natoli, 2018).
Analysis of nature and nurture as a determinant of behaviors
Undoubtedly, nature and nurture's contribution to human behavior on matters of psychology remains one of the most significant debates among psychologists. Proponents of nature argue that biological design and contents in the human body play a significant role in influencing human behavior. On the contrary, proponents of nurture claim that human behavior is primarily influenced by the environment around which they are brought up (Bornstein, Maracic & Natoli, 2018). That is to say that human beings tend to learn more from the social aspects they are exposed to in their day-to-day activities. From an objective point of view, however, it is evident that both nature and nurture influences human behaviors in equal measures. There are some aspects in human behavior that can only be explained from a biological point of view and not through social experiences and vice versa. For instance, behavioral correlations among twins can only be well-explained through chemical and genetic similarities.
Evaluation of How Biological And Environmental Factors Impact Behaviors
The most notable strength of biological perspective explanation concerning human behavior is its scientific nature. Human behaviors can be scientifically explained from a biological perspective through the quantifiable and empirical method. Additionally, several types of research have been quite helpful in the development of treatment procedures for psychological disorders (Bornstein, Maracic & Natoli, 2018). On the contrary, the biggest weakness of the biological approach in psychology is that it fails to account for other contributors of human behavior such as peer pressure, cultural influences, and environmental factors, among many others (Bornstein, Maracic & Natoli, 2018). The environmental approach to understanding human behavior, on the other hand, bases its strength on the ability of human beings to learn from their social surrounding through observation and imitations. However, the biggest weakness of the environmental approach is its inability to correlate mental disorders to damages in the brain. However, the bottom line is that both biological and environmental factors influence human behavior in equal measures.
Module 3: Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Most Interesting Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Unlike the theory of intelligence quotient (IQ), which is measured mainly through an individuals’ prowess in linguistic and numerical abilities, the theory of Multiple Intelli...
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