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Influence of Environmental Pollution on Weather

Essay Instructions:

Researching the Future Project

Your task is to conduct research on a topic related to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. You will document your investigations by maintaining a public blog aimed at educating others about relevant trends related to this goal, as well as career and industry opportunities and other potential impacts these trends might have on the world of work. For this project you will use the website medium.com to design and compose a public blog to document your research on a topic related to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Blogs on topics related to business trends and skills are quite common, and are read by a wide range of people with an interest in developing their knowledge about the changing world and how it should impact their decisions as professionals. In your blog, you will include both primary and secondary research. You will use the blog to make predictions (what do you think is going to happen and why?), to explain (what do other people have to say about this topic?), to offer advice (what steps can be taken to respond to prepare for the future? What works and what not?), and to reflect (how is your research shaping your understanding of this topic? What else do you need to know to respond to the changing world to ensure that those changes are for the better?). General Blog Requirements: • Five blog posts (called “stories”) (each at least 400 words) Blog Content Requirements: • Your first post will introduce your blog to readers and outline your research plan. In this plan, you will introduce your research topic (related to the UN Sustainable Development Goal you selected), discuss why you are interested in it and why you think others should be as well, explain how understanding this topic better will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal, and set out some questions that you’d like to explore further. • One of your posts (in no particular order) should document your attempts to carry out your research plan through primary research methods. This might involve an interview, survey, direct observation, reflection on personal experience, or experiment practicing a relevant skill and reflecting on the results. You will need to include a visual component such as photos, videos, or graphics documenting this research. • Three of your posts (in no particular order) should document your attempts to carry out your research plan through secondary research methods by describing and responding to what others have written about your research questions. o Two of these posts must post must quote, paraphrase, summarize, cite using APA style, and respond to an important idea from a book or scholarly article from the library database on the topic. o One of these posts must quote, paraphrase, summarize, cite using APA style, and respond to another class member’s blog post

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Influence of Environmental Pollution on Weather
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Influence of Environmental Pollution on Weather
As the world population continues to grow to nearly a billion people, one of the most discussed topics relates to climatic change and its effect on the environment. Being number 13 in the UN’s Sustainable development Goals (SDGs), I find this very topic exciting and amusing at the same time as it directly impacts the current and future generations. I plan to solely focus on climate change on this blog and how the world can help tackle this global challenge. The United Nations has over the years called for urgent action in dealing with climate change and its impact on the environment. However, this has proved a significant challenge in reducing carbon emissions from industrialized countries like China and the U.S in trying to promote the use of green energy. I cannot solely focus on climate change without mentioning clean and affordable energy, goal number 7 in the UN Sustainable development goals. Success in the fight against the effects of climatic change means that the world needs to embrace green energy as an alternative energy source to reduce the destruction of forests which play a significant role in carbon reduction. To fully understand climate change and its effects on future generations, this blog will explore the economic impact of green energy and answer questions such as what are the cost implications of using solar energy as compared to fossil fuel in the long term and how much financial costs are required to transition to green energy fully?
Research 1: Financial Implications
I conducted online research on numerous articles to try and answer the question of the financial implications of the use of green energy and its long-term effects on the environment. An online article I found seems to support the use of green technology as it has many long-term economic benefits compared to traditional fossil energy. It also shows the significant advantages of embracing renewable energy to control carbon emissions from industries. 
The article “Green Climate change and phenology” by Inouye (2022), states that the advantage of using renewable energy such as wind and solar energy is the low costs associated with production and storage. Unlike traditional non-renewable sources of energy that require a lot of human resources to generate and store power, green technology costs are minimal. For example, nuclear energy can be used to power hundreds of industries and homes as compared to fuels which cause pollution to the environment.  
The overall costs associated with the generation, transmission, and maintenance of fossil energy were much higher than green renewable energy, which seems to agree with other articles published on the topic. For example, solar energy was the most preferred source of green energy due to the low cost of production and maintenance. However, critics point out the unreliability of solar as they cannot fit in all geographical regions such as the Antarctic as they can only be powered by the sun. In addition, a huge number of solar panels may be required to produce an adequate amount of power that can be used in factories and busy cities.
The article does not dwell on exact figures relating to the of use renewable energy as compared to fuels. However, it is clear that countries that highly depend on non-renewable sources of energy are mostly poor and are found in developing countries while those in developed nations fully embrace clean energy. Despite the huge potential of attaining solar energy, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are unable to fully embrace the use of solar panels. Still, one thing that stands out is that the costs of operating and transitioning to green energy are lower than fossil energy. 
Part 2: Environment
In my second part of the research, I focus on the effects of green technology on the environment and how it can promote economic growth. Renewable energy reduces carbon emissions in the air, reducing pollution caused by automobiles, factories, and homes. Many third worlds and developing countries lack the financial capability to adopt renewable energy, which has become a significant challenge in green technology. For example, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have a huge potential to adopt solar energy due to the scorching environment. Still, they cannot come up with policies and equipment required for solar power energy. 
According to the journal “Green Energy and Sustainability by Papadakis (2021), developed nations can quickly adopt green technology due to the favorable environment which supports technological advancements, unlike developing nations. For example, Asian nations depend on donor funding to buy solar panels to cater to basic needs in rural areas in contrast with more developed countries where infrastructure and technology can readily support clean energy. To be successful in harnessing green energy, countries need to cooperate and develop structures to support each other. Research shows that most of these countries cannot meet the financial costs required to set up and manage such systems despite the willingness to adopt green technology.
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