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Ecological Worldviews Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

PREPARE A DRAFT PAPER BY OCT 9TH . This is not an essay, this is a personal reflection paper. MAXIMUM 1200 WORDS (excluding title page and reference list) dont go over.

For this assignment you are suppose to be writing a Personal Reflection that must include 3 minimum course articles and and one Youtube video which I have attached here check (Course Readings.doc and Video Links.doc). The topic is based on your understanding from Articles I uploaded. You come up with your own reflection, 1200 words maximum words (excluding title page and reference list). Very STRICT on the word count so please make it as concise as you can. This paper is mostly about using the sources that I have uploaded, You can go beyond 3 minimum sources if you want. but 3 of them must be from the articles I upload Including( Tao of Liberation)

Again dont confuse this paper with a thesis paper or argumentative paper, its only a reflection paper based on what your thoughts are from the readings etc,. but the extact detailed instructions is uploaded please check that file out. 

1/3 of the paper should focus on identifying and describing your worldview and approximately 2/3 on the key life experiences, influences, and events (about three in total) that have shaped your worldview, I am not including the introduction and conclusion. Another way to think of this breakdown (all approximate) might be like this:

5%-10%: Introduction (what are you going to do in the paper, overview, etc.): This can be quite brief!

20-25%: Identifying and clearly describing your worldview as it relates to ecology, the environment, nature, or the more-than-human world.

50-60%: Describing three specific experiences, practices, influences, or events that were important in shaping your worldview as it relates to ecology.

15-20%: Conclusion including any insights, based on your experiences and understanding of ecology and worldviews, for enriching, developing, deepening, or cultivating your own ecological worldview.

For formatting:

I have uploaded a document called Citing Apa style.doc which clearly is the articles list in APA style i.e. (Assadourian, 2010), (Hathaway & Boff, 2009g) and for citing videos. 

In this reflection paper you must cite Tao of Liberation.pdf and at least one video from the video list.doc I have uploaded. 

I also Uploaded a Sample Personal Reflection paper written by former student from the year before, I happen to be close friends with her and she sent it to me to have an idea. Please dont copy her ideas but thats basically how to format is suppose to be and for referencing etc,.

Follow the detailed instructions for complete understanding.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Reflection Paper: Ecological Worldviews
The environmental worldview is related to the way people interact with nature based on their perceptions of their role in ecology and how they use the natural resources. A worldview allows individuals to make sense of the world. Even though, there are diverse worldviews, my beliefs have mostly influenced perceptions on nature. Despite man having dominion over nature the case for taking stewardship responsibility more seriously, is that neglecting the negative impact of human activities ignores the input of humans in the human ecology. This paper highlights on the stewardship worldview while integrating the notions that man’s dominion ought to be carefully assessed.
Description of world view
Human beings are rational and have dominion over nature, but there is a need to take into account the interests of fellow human beings and future generations. According to Hathaway and Boff (2009 a), the transformation of Europe into a technology society since the 1950’s has had a huge impact on the world’s ecosystems. Being environmental responsible should not be downplayed given that there is now more information more than ever before on the impact of human activities on the environment. Even as people utilize the natural resources on earth, there is a need to exercise caution. There has been controversy on the place of environmentalism among the religious right in North America, as they mostly denounce that there is global warming which is seen as a left-wing agenda. However, there are various ecological issues affecting mankind besides global warming.
Human beings are in a unique position since they modify the ecosystems, even as they are embedded in them. The consequences of human activities affect the future life, and this is most apparent in the case o pollution, whereby it is indisputable that pollution affects human life, other organisms and biodiversity. The wanton destruction of the environment in the name of environment distorts God’s creations since it disrupts the created order. So long as human activities are intertwined with environmental concerns, addressing these issues is an ethical approach towards maintaining stewardship responsibility while maintaining God’s creations. Looking beyond the Christian traditions to understand nature, given the scale with which human beings have modified ecological systems. The aim of industrializations and taking responsibility to acre for nature are not contradictory, since all creations were deemed good by God.
Impact of experiences/ practices, influences, or events on world view
Since my childhood, my worldview on ecology and nature has been shaped by the Christian teaching that human being sought to work and take care of the earth. This emanates from the book of Genesis. The first book of the Bible emphasizes God’s creations, whereby the ecosystem worked well before the fall of mankind. As such, I have long believed that since the world has a beginning the responsibility to preserve the created order as much as possible ought not to be ignored. Even now, the case for servant stewardship seems stronger given that human beings have to care of the earth even as they work on it. My world view diverges from the traditional emphasis dominion alone as there is increased recognition that humans are caretakers of natural resources, and environmental awareness cuts across the religious and non-religious circles.
Sewall (2009, p. 249), rightly points out that the age of consumerism has been associated with planetary degradation compared to other eras, but focusing on sustainability will allow humanity to thrive. While in middle school I would visit my grandparents and older relatives in the small towns and rural areas. From these experiences I came to understand and appreciate that the knowledge and freedom improved my environment...
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