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Week 2 Motivation: Major Problems and Secondary Issues

Essay Instructions:

Week 2 Case Assignment
Complete the case study below: using Textbook: Introduction Healthcare Management by Sharon B. Buchbinder and Nancy H. Shanks
Set Up for Failure? pg. 401
Use the case study write up format to answer the following questions
Case Study Questions
How might she draw upon and apply the theories of management and motivation to address these issues?
How might she approach the dentists?
What are the most urgent issues?
What actions might she suggest to improve the situation?
What strategies might be used to motivate the dentists and the employees in working to begin to address the issues?
Should Allison be updating her resume and looking for another job? Explain your response.
Case Study Write-up
Background Statement
Major Problems and Secondary Issues
Your Role
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
Alternatives and Recommended Solutions
Submit your case in APA 6th edition format with no less than 3 peer reviewed references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 2 Motivation
Background Statement
The healthcare field was a new one to Allison; she however felt that dentistry in specific was her calling. In pursuit of her calling, she opted to work as a practicing dentist at the office of Dr. Gable. Dr. Gable on the other hand, upon the realization of the need for expansion, chose to hire a consultancy firm to assist in the evaluation of the logistics of adding staff, equipment, new venue as well as an additional dentist. In the process however, Dr.Gable completely ignored the opinions and input that would have been contributed by Allison, who felt that the plans of a new partnership advocated by Dr.Gable, had numerous unforeseen issues. As the issues unfold, Dr.Gable now places the responsibility f solving them upon Allison. She feels like so much is at stake (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012).
Major Problems and Secondary Issues
The major problems here are that the business model won’t be sustainable since more losses than profits are generated. The new dentist also had no market base and hence no business to bring in. Secondly, the new dentist wasn’t motivated in productivity, since he knew that at the end of it, salary would still come in. The staff also became demotivated. The main secondary issue was that Allison’s job was on the line in the decision making process.
Your Role
I am playing the role of an external management consultant. This is particularly important since I offer a neutral perspective of the issues at hand, since am looking at the problem from outside. I can therefore look at the perspectives of both parties distinctly and make judgments that can be best suited and preferred for them all. The ideas that I give will be helpful not only for the present, but also for the future as well, as a point of reference. This is essentially what embodies management consulting (Cheng, n.d.).
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
The strengths of this organiz...
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